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How I Use Cerasee Tea and Eucalyptus Oil To Prevent Mosquito Bites

Jamaicans have been using the eucalyptus oil and cerasee for cures and remedies long before science found out its value.

Image by Annelise Lords

“Why do you keep itching?” Gina complained while sitting near the sea waiting for the sun to set.

“Girl, mosquitoes follow me everywhere I go. They love me and hate you?” Lynn remarked, scratching her left hand.

“They better not come near me,” Gina warned flashing her hand by her ear as they sang, ‘I Want You, To Want Me.’

“Shouldn’t you cover up to protect your skin? With your light complexion every bite will show.”

“It’s too damn hot,” she slapped another one. “And the Off don’t work in your damn country.”

“Girl, our mosquitoes have class, style, and taste. They are strong and Off is too weak for them,” Gina bragged giggling.

Off Mosquito Repellent doesn’t work with Jamaican mosquitoes. I tried it when I took my children back home as babies and it was hell. Our bugs have a distinct taste and it takes more than what OFF Repellent had to stop them. Even our bugs are outstanding.

“How come they leave you alone?”

“Being poor, made me innovative and resourceful,” Gina boasted.

“Girl, I know about all of your home remedies to keep mosquitoes off you,” she notified.

“Which I offered to you that you refuse to take,” Gina reminds her as she slaps another one. “Don’t you know they spread diseases?”

“I can’t drink Cerasee tea, it’s too damn bitter.”

“Then put a drop of Eucalyptus oil in your lotion and spread it across your body. They don’t like the scent and will avoid you like COVID 19,” Gina educates.

“I can’t go around smelling like that,” she protests.

“Then continue being food for the mosquitoes. You are aware that they spread diseases? Right?” Gina reminds her again.

As a child growing up, we were given Cerasee tea. It’s bitter.

5 potential health benefits of cerasee tea

1. Antimicrobial and antiviral properties

Cerasee tea has antimicrobial and antiviral properties, which may help strengthen your immunity and help your body fight the common cold, flu, and other diseases. The tea can also help kill worms and parasites, which is good for intestinal health.

When mosquitoes start to bite me, my body is telling me it’s time to drink some Cerasee tea. Every Jamaican home has Cerasee in it. It grows wild across Jamaica, and you can buy it at the market too.

We dry the bush first, then brew it. Some people sweeten it because of the bitterness.

I don’t.

I drink a big cup at room temperature once per week.

We believe that it will regulate our body and blood in a way, mosquitoes will avoid us. It has been working for me and every Jamaican for years. Anywhere in the world I go, I take that bush with me.

Eucalyptus Oil is damn good. The tree grows wild across Jamaica too.

Jamaicans have been using the eucalyptus oil for cures and remedies long before science found out its value. We thank poverty for that innovative and resourceful idea. I used it to open my son’s lungs as children. They were born with asthma, and I didn’t want them to be using a pump as babies.

I put a spot on their pillows and a tip in their fontanelle in the middle of their head. We were encouraged to do that by our elders.

For the skin and to deter mosquitoes I also dropped a little bit in my lotion and lotion my body. Mosquitoes avoid me. My sons put a few drops in their humidifier with water and it allows them to breathe better when asthma threatens.

I also brew dried eucalyptus leaves for tea, and sweeten it with honey for sinus relief.

It works for me.

9 Unexpected Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

3. Keep the bugs away

Mosquitoes and other biting insects carry diseases that can be dangerous to our health. Avoiding their bites is our best defense.

Being poor, most Jamaicans are drawn to natural/cheaper and healthier home remedies with minimal side effects. Find natural and healthier chemical-free ways to heal yourself. You will be saving your life.

Be inspired by our latest book.

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