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The author shares their experience of pursuing a chiseled physique, the sacrifices made, and the eventual realization that the pursuit was detrimental to their well-being.


The author, initially elated by achieving six-pack abs in their 50s, became attracted to having a chiseled physique influenced by younger friends. They embarked on a journey driven by the illusion that a ripped body would bring happiness, under the guidance of a personal coach and close friend, Adrian. However, as they pushed themselves to reach a 7% body fat, they began to notice undesirable changes in their relationships and mental well-being. The author eventually realized they were sacrificing their physical and mental well-being on the altar of aesthetics and decided to cease the pursuit of a ripped body, redirecting their efforts towards a more holistic approach to health, happiness, and life satisfaction.


  • The author believes that the pursuit of a ripped body can be misguided and detrimental to one's well-being.
  • The author suggests that the costs of pursuing a ripped body are not only visible in the toll it takes on one's health but also in the unseen sacrifices, such as the toll on relationships, social life, and mental well-being.
  • The author cautions against the potential unhealthy behaviors, time and resource drain, and disappointment that can result from pursuing a ripped body.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of seeking the guidance of mental health professionals if grappling with body image or disordered eating.
  • The author shares their story as a cautionary tale and encourages readers to consider better ways to achieve health and happiness that don't demand such a steep price.

Hidden Prices of Chasing a Sculpted Physique

Attaining a chiseled body seemed highly appealing initially, but I eventually had to halt the pursuit, abandoning the illusion of greener pastures.

Photo by Krzysztof Biernat from Pexels

This is a story to offer you a brief yet significant glimpse into a chapter of my life. It’s a short chapter filled with both glory and pain.

The first time I achieved six-pack abs on my 50th birthday, I was elated — it was a dream come true after half a century. In my 20s and 30s, I felt terrible about my body, especially the stubborn belly fat in a skinny physique that brought me shame despite efforts like eating less and exercising more.

I had no clue about the hormonal effects, like elevated cortisol leading to insulin resistance, making me prediabetic in my mid-20s.

However, holistic health principles helped me gain abs in my early 50s. With knowledge about metabolic processes and powerful tools, I conducted experiments and successfully achieved this goal.

But then I got attracted to having a chiseled physique as some of my younger friends influenced me. I thought if I could have abs in my 50s, then why not aim for a ripped body?

My emotional brain yearned for a ripped body, believing it to be the key to greener pastures — the gateway to happiness, health, and success.

Little did I know that this relentless quest would unfold into a tale of sacrifice, regret, and the realization that the pursuit was not only misguided but detrimental to my well-being.

Starting with excitement and passion

Commencing with excitement and passion, I started a journey driven by the illusion that a ripped body would bring me happiness. The vision of being perceived as attractive and successful in my late fifties captivated me. I convinced myself that attaining this physical ideal would enhance my health and athleticism.

With the guidance of Adrian, a personal coach and close friend who is an experienced bodybuilder, I initiated the program. Adrian, having achieved a ripped body multiple times for business reasons and assisted numerous clients in reaching their goals, provided valuable support throughout the journey. But he looked a little concerned as I sounded too passionate.

My key tools for sculpting my abs included my regular practice of one meal a day, engaging in calisthenics daily, walking barefoot on the beach or grass for 10,000 steps daily, three sessions of strength training, moderate weight lifting, daily cold showers, dry sauna sessions, and meditation.

Following Adrian’s calculations, I had to adjust my calorie intake from 2400 to 2000 and boost my weight training by a minimum of 20%. Despite maintaining a body fat percentage of 10 to 12, his plan required me to bring it down to under 7%.

As I don’t eat carbs, I had to lower my healthy fat consumption from 200 grams to 150 grams daily and slightly reduce protein. However, I was cautious and focused on increasing exercise rather than cutting my protein, which is critical for survival and well-being.

Despite my intuitive reservations, fueled by ambition, I pushed myself to reach a 7% body fat. One easy tool for me was to increase my seven-day fast to ten days monthly.

Remarkably, it took only three months to achieve this feat. While my veins started becoming visible, I found myself unsatisfied, yearning for the level of ripeness showcased by others in bodybuilding competitions.

Curious about the next level, I inquired how those people achieved their impressive physique. Their advice was to lower body fat below 5%.

Although I had reservations about the potential health risks reading the scientific literature about the detrimental effects of extremely low body fat, witnessing their apparent well-being intrigued me.

Interestingly, I also observed a shift in their demeanor, becoming more aggressive and less social. Yet, I overlooked this critical observation, a pattern that eventually manifested in my personal life.

Despite having intuitions about my misguided path, my emotional brain relentlessly pressured me. I continued to lower my calorie intake and intensified weight training, pushing myself even when exhausted.

Initially, I observed progress physically, but something was not right at the mental and spiritual levels.

The Harsh Realization

Finally, I achieved 5% body fat, and seeing myself in the mirror brought momentary happiness. However, as the finish line drew near, my joy dwindled. Soon, my beloved wife noticed the undesirable changes.

In a heart-to-heart conversation one day, she openly told me that she no longer enjoyed our intimacy. She believed pursuing a chiseled physique did not suit my personality and started bothering her.

Later, I noticed similar reactions from loved ones, relatives, friends, and colleagues. Something was amiss, and it fell into my blind spot. Everyone around me seemed to grow more distant.

At this poignant point, I had an epiphany. I realized I was sacrificing my physical and mental well-being on the altar of aesthetics. Life’s experiences passed me unnoticed, eclipsed by my relentless focus on my body.

The toll on my health and relationships became apparent, and the quest for a ripped body revealed itself as an unsustainable and draining endeavor.

With a heavy heart, I decided to cease the pursuit of a ripped body. Instead, I redirected my efforts towards a more holistic approach to health, happiness, and life satisfaction.

I continued with my one nutritious meal a day and exercising for the sheer joy of it, adopting my usual intuitive approach to eating. The shift in focus from appearance to overall well-being marked a profound turning point.

Those around me grew closer and more friendly. My wife, particularly pleased, congratulated me on my wise decision. Overall, my relationships flourished, and I rediscovered inner joy and peace.

I’m still in good shape with abs, maintaining a healthy and fit body with a sharp mind. However, I’m no longer obsessed with being ripped, and that’s perfectly fine. I’ve realized the trade-off brings better benefits, and I’m content, no longer chasing elusive greener pastures.

While I maintain physical fitness, the fixation on being ripped has given way to newfound happiness.

The Aftermath and a Cautionary Reflection

I am no longer ensnared in the web of comparison, nor am I chained to the rigidity of a diet and exercise routine. Time, once monopolized by my physical goals, is now devoted to the things I genuinely love.

For those contemplating the arduous journey of chasing a ripped body, I implore you to reconsider. The costs are not only visible in the toll it takes on your health but also in the unseen sacrifices — the toll on relationships, social life, and mental well-being.

The pursuit may lead to unhealthy behaviors, drain your time and resources, and disappointingly fall short of the expected happiness and fulfillment in the greener pastures.

Final Words

In closing, I share this story not as a testament of triumph but as a cautionary tale. There are better ways to achieve health and happiness that don’t demand such a steep price.

If you find yourself grappling with body image or disordered eating, do not hesitate to seek the guidance of mental health professionals. Your well-being is worth more than any sculpted physique.

In hindsight, it was an overt mistake, but I’m glad I made this error, as it turned into a valuable life lesson for me. Achieving a goal, even if it comes with mistakes, is a new experience in life that makes us wiser.

If I hadn’t made this mistake, I might have always had a deep desire and felt a lack of fulfillment.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

To inform my new readers, I wrote numerous articles that might inform and inspire you. Some topics I cover are brain and cognitive function, significant health conditions, valuable nutrients, ketogenic lifestyle, self-healing, weight management, and humor.

I contribute to multiple publications but keep my health and wellness stories on EUPHORIA. My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

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