Find the Beauty in Perspective and Appreciation
And watch everything change

Today I didn’t even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was a good day.~Ice Cube
Let’s get back to basics with gratitude. Do you have enough food, adequate clothing, and shelter? Do you have indoor plumbing, electricity, and clean water? Most of you reading this can see my text. If not, you have the technology to assist you.
I’d be willing to bet most of you didn’t have to protect yourself from attack with a firearm. Things could be much worse, right? Think of how many times we complain and forget what we have. I’ve practiced gratitude for years, and it’s made me find perspective in the most troubling moments of my life.
A few days ago, I drove with my kids to Trader Joe’s and felt overcome with gratitude. During uncertain times of empty shelves and limited funds, I felt appreciation for the basics. I have an operable car with gas in my tank and enough money to stock up on extra food and other necessities.
Before I reached the lot, I heard the classic rap song from Ice Cube, “It Was A Good Day.” He speaks from the perspective of someone living in the war zone of South Central Los Angeles. The police didn’t stop him, he got drunk but didn’t throw up, and he didn’t have to use his AK-47.
Growing up in a sheltered beach town on the central coast of California, I never had to use my AK. The first time I heard this song in 1993, I was shocked yet enthralled by the lyrics. Nearly everything he spoke of was foreign to my life experience.
I accepted his story, though. Although I was only 21 and hadn’t explored beyond my town, I surmised he had either grown up in a dangerous neighborhood or targeted an audience who had lived the way he described. I felt overwhelming empathy for anyone struggling to survive and still finding hidden gifts.
As a strong empath, I was perspective-taking from an early age. Empaths can naturally put themselves in another’s shoes. They energetically feel the emotions of others. Perspective-taking is when someone can see from the view of another.
As I navigated the busy parking lot of Trader Joe’s, I recognized the profound message I received from Ice Cube. I felt his appreciation for the little things. I was able to view our current life situation as a time filled with blessings and hope.
No matter what presents itself as trouble, we can choose another perspective. Whenever we face what appears to be a challenge, we can reframe it.
As we walked down the aisles of the grocery store that day, I kept expressing gratitude for everything. I’m acquainted with the staff, who were working extra hard stocking the shelves and promptly moving us through the register.
I thanked them for their hard work and stood amazed at the amount of toilet paper and soap available. The only empty shelf was pasta. Fellow shoppers were kind and friendly. We smiled and accommodated each other.
Many folks don’t feel well right now. Not only have some fallen ill with coronavirus (Covid-19), a lot of people are afraid. My empath nature leads me to feel the exhaustion, anxiety, and fear of others. But I’m not afraid. I’ve focused my energy on healing, wellness, and love for self and community.
Ice Cube reminds us to find the blessings and opportunities for gratitude in everything. If he could appreciate that he didn’t have to shoot anyone, we can find something good in every day.
When you run out of toilet paper, find other options. Try a bidet, peri-bottle, or cloth wipes. When you think you might run out of food, start planting seeds for your garden. When you’re bored, find your innate creativity. Learn a new skill or find a hidden talent.
When you feel lonely, find ways to connect with others. Reach out to someone in your community who needs help. Share supplies or give comfort and compassion.
If you can’t think of anything to appreciate yet, listen to Ice Cube to get a new perspective. Then write a gratitude list of basic needs met and the other small things that make a big difference. All is well.
Just wakin’ up in the mornin’ gotta thank God…I don’t know but today seems kinda odd…No barkin’ from the dog, no smog~Ice Cube
Find full lyrics “It Was A Good Day” here.
Here’s his old school video below: