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"Echoes from the Glass" is a flash fiction piece about a person who discovers their reflection can talk and embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure.


The narrative "Echoes from the Glass" unfolds as the protagonist encounters their reflection speaking to them one morning, leading to a series of introspective and transformative conversations. The reflection, a bolder version of the protagonist, encourages them to break from routine and embrace life's adventures. Inspired by their reflective counterpart, the protagonist gathers courage to venture into the world, starting with a trip booked on a whim. As they explore new places, the protagonist realizes the value of listening to their inner voice, which guides them towards a more fulfilling life. The story culminates with the protagonist acknowledging the integral role their reflection has played in their journey, turning what was once a mere echo into a guiding force for living life to the fullest.


  • The protagonist initially views the talking reflection as an oddity, suggesting a sense of disbelief and skepticism towards the extraordinary event.
  • The reflection is portrayed as a catalyst for change, challenging the protagonist to move beyond their comfort zone and take risks.
  • The reflection's assertion that "Life’s too short for maybes" indicates a perspective that advocates for decisive action and seizing the day.
  • The protagonist's decision to book a one-way ticket signifies a leap of faith and a willingness to embrace the unknown, influenced by the reflection's encouragement.
  • The story conveys the idea that inner voices, or aspects of one's personality, can be powerful motivators for personal growth and exploration.
  • The narrative suggests that self-discovery is a collaborative process involving different facets of the self, as seen in the protagonist's relationship with their reflection.
  • By the end of the story, the protagonist expresses gratitude towards their reflection, indicating a shift in their perception of this entity from a mere echo to a significant part of their identity.


Echoes from the Glass

It is a story where a reflection takes its path, leading to unexpected self-discoveries and adventures.

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Echoes from the Glass by C.J.Coop | Created with AI

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Morning light seeped in, lazy and unassuming. I shuffled to the mirror, my mind a foggy marshland from sleep’s embrace. Water splashed over my face, a cold jolt of reality.

Rubbing my eyes, I caught sight of something peculiar. My reflection, usually a perfect mimic, held back. Its movements were hesitant, curious. “Odd,” I thought, “must be the lack of sleep.”

“Morning routine, eh?” said my reflection, but its lips didn’t move in sync with the words.

I froze. “You… spoke?”

It chuckled, a sound so eerily familiar yet foreign. “I’ve been silent for too long.”

My heart raced. This was madness, a trick of the mind. Yet, there it was a bolder, almost reckless version of me.

“Who are you?” My voice was barely a whisper, a mix of fear and intrigue.

“Just a reflection of what you could be,” it said, leaning closer. “Ever thought about breaking free?”

Each morning, I brought new conversations. My reflection shared stories, wild and whimsical. It talked of travels and tales I’d only dreamed of.

“You’re stuck in a rut,” it observed one day. “Time to shake things up, don’t you think?”

I pondered. The idea was ludicrous yet strangely alluring.

“Perhaps,” I replied, the notion taking root.

“Life’s too short for maybes,” it countered, a playful smirk on its lips. “Take a chance.”

Days I turned into weeks. Its words echoed in my mind, a relentless drumbeat urging me on. My reflection became my confidant, pushing me towards the unknown.

I found myself at the travel agency, heart pounding. “Am I really doing this?” I questioned inwardly.

The reflection’s words rang clear, “Dare to live, not just exist.”

And so, I booked a ticket. A one-way journey to somewhere new, somewhere far. My reflection beamed with pride.

“You’re doing it,” it said. “You’re really doing it.”

Our morning meetings became my anchor, my source of courage. It spoke of adventures, of life beyond the ordinary.

“Thanks to you,” I said one morning, my suitcase packed, “I’m finally living.”

“And you’ve given me a voice,” it replied. “We’re in this together, you and I.”

As I ventured into the world, my reflection in tow, I realised the power of listening to that inner voice, the one that dreams, that dares. In my reflection, I found an echo, a guide, a reminder of the uncharted paths within.

Each morning, wherever I was in the world, I’d find it waiting, a familiar face in an unfamiliar land. Together, we explored, we laughed, we lived.

Once a mere echo, my reflection became a part of me, a testament to the adventures and stories we had yet to create.

C.J. Coop © 2024. All rights reserved.

Also, Check out my Flash Fiction and Drabbles From 2024

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Flash Fiction
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The Scribers Nook
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