avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz


Visibility and Awareness

Build Your Technology Collection

Amplify your stories using short-form technique and distribution capabilities of our publications. A sample collection creation approach for writers contributing to Technology Hits.

Image designed by author


Writers need to develop smart methods to make content easily accessible by readers. There are millions of stories on Medium and other content platforms. Unless we purposefully make our content visible, these precious stories will be buried in the crowd, and our readers will not have a chance to find and read them. Effective organizational and information management skills are essential for the success of writers on Medium and other content platforms.

My publications designed to help contributing writers to gain maximum visibility to their readers, consequently achieve the desired level of reading times. As the owner and editor of my publications, I lead the way by being a role model. However, as an author, you need to take responsibility to make your stories visible by using practical tools and techniques that we offer.

The purpose of this story is to introduce a new initiative for collecting technology-related stories of ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated writers. My goal is to provide a sample story framework to get the action started. Use of collection for ILLUMINATION-Curated provided tremendous advantages to contributing writers. Therefore, I want to replicate this success for Technology Hits too.

What do I mean by Technology Hits? I established a new — first of a kind — publication called Technology Hits. My aim is to bring writers with backgrounds from all aspects of technology and create eclectic stories which can offer something for everyone. I have a connection with and access to thousands of writers on Medium and other platforms. Technology is the metaphorical hot cake in this economic climate.

I designed this publication by considering the requirements of my audience. I analyzed the needs and desires of my audience, using the Design Thinking approach. It is informative, educative, and intellectually entertaining. I invited writers to participate in a post and look forward to supporting all writers who want to submit stories touching on any aspect of technology.

The key personas selected for this publication are technicians, philosophers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, artists, storytellers, and futuristic leaders.

You can join and start gaining insights from Technology Hits.

High-quality information and engaging stories are at your fingertips.

Now let’s get back to the collections.

How to create collections for Technology Hits

At this initial phase, I invite writers contributing to ILLUMINATION and ILLUMINATION-Curated to create a story, including their technology-related stories.

I created a standard format to guide the writers contributing to Technology Hits publication. This structure can enable writers to promote their content in a productive way.

Managing collections are essential as they serve as a communication tool for our readers. Collections can increase the chance of discovery of your profile and readability of your stories.

Actions for writers

You can create your technology collection using the syntax and the examples I provided from my collection in the next section.

Submit your collection in a story to Technology Hits.

If you don’t have writer access yet, please request via this form. Alternative you can leave a comment showing your interest to become a writer for Technology Hits.

Please tag me so that I can be notified of your story.

Once you submit your stories to Technology Hits, I will enter them in a new collection file and distribute them to our readers using various distribution tools. Your stories will gain visibility and find potential readers. By using this method, we will prevent your valuable stories from being buried under the crowd.

My goal is to create a comprehensive Technology resource and share this resource with our readers. This centrally accessible resource can increase the chance of your stories to be discovered and easily consumed by our readers.

Additional boosting of technology collections

In addition, I recommend you to boost the visibility of your collections using the new short-form story format.

I allow writers contributing to ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, and Technology Hits to submit short-form stories to increase the visibility and readability of stories across three publications.

You can take this opportunity to shine. It is a privilege we give our writers.

I provided details on this initiative in the attached story.

Here is a sample short-form that I use to create awareness of a story on Technology Hits to the audience of ILLUMINATION.

Here is another -form story to create visibility to the perspectives of editors on Technology Hits.

Syntax for collections

Here is the syntax in four points.

1 — Provide the name of the story as a heading one format.

2 — Provide topics of the story with hashtags as a heading two format.

3 — Provide an abstract of the story in a paragraph with an italic font.

4 — Provide an embedded link to the story.

Sample collection

I created this sample collection by using my technology-related stories to give you an idea. You can also find some of these stories relevant to your reading needs.

Ethical Hacking

Topics — #Cybersecurity #Security #Career

In this article, I aim to create awareness on ethical hacking, its purpose, use cases, and a brief introduction to the role of ethical hackers in digital transformation initiatives. My goal is to help security executives and managers choose the best ethical hackers for their business. As a by-product, the information in this article can also guide the aspiring ethical hackers to build their skills and plan their experience.

Power of Design Thinking for Writers

Topics — #Writing #Design #Design Thinking

Design Thinking can be useful for writers too. This is my main premise in this short article. Writers can use Design Thinking principles for quality, simplicity, and agility purposes. Design Thinking can be considered as an innovative problem-solving technique with close interactions of the actual users of the solutions. As writers, one of our fundamental roles is to solve problems for our readers and delight them.

Business Value and Architectural Overview of Robotics Process Automation

Topics — #Artificial Intelligence #Automation #Robotics #Business

In this article, my aim is to briefly introduce what Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is, it’s business value, the major use cases, how it works, how we can enhance it, and my experience on architecting solutions to meet the customer requirements. If you are tired of performing tedious and repetitive tasks and witnessing too many errors upsetting your clients, your business may need the use of Robotics Process Automation empowered by software robots and the capabilities artificial intelligence.

Cognitive Transformation

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The purpose of this article is to briefly introduce to you what cognitive computing entails, its current progress in the industry, the value proposition for its necessity, and my personal observations and thoughts on trends and future plans. Most of us in the IT industry most likely heard, read about, or already started working with the cognitive systems for various practical use cases. Would you like to have a quick taste? Then, keep reading! I simplified this complex topic as much as possible in this article.

Business Architecture Framework for Digital Transformation

Topics #Software Engineering #Leadership #Programming

In order to create effective business architecture for complex digital transformation programs, we must follow an established yet innovative framework. A framework is a basic structure underlying a business and technology system. Our framework can start with understanding the organizational structure of the business. This framework can include multiple considerations and business viewpoints. Business organizations are made up of stakeholders with different roles focusing on common goals.

Introduction to IoT Ecosystem

Topics #IoT #Design #Infrastructure #Technology

My aim in this article is to introduce IoT (Internet of Things) ecosystem based on a model that I developed as part of my solution architecture engagements in multiple successful projects in large business organisations. I set the IoT solution context at high level as understanding the solution context can help us delve into architectural and design topics in a methodical way. Every solution requires following a method to leverage prior experience in the field. This also helps us ensure that nothing falls into cracks during the solution lifecycle.

Digital Transformation

Topics #Digital Transformation #Technology

Business organisations are facing enormous challenges to respond to the rapid technological changes and growing demands of consumers for digital products and services globally. There is a constant search to find solutions to the growing business problems. From my experience, the most optimal solution to address these problems is to architect enterprise digital transformation requirements and objectives. My approach, in this article, is to propose an innovative model and framework formulated and described in a 12-step architectural method called DTM.

Architecting Data Lake Solutions

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In this article I provide an overview of data lakes, data ponds, , and data swamps from an architectural perspective. My aim is to provide business value, use cases, architectural, design, and implementation, and consumption considerations for data lakes. Use of data lakes became the de-facto standard for Big Data Analytics platforms supporting the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives. Majority of the Big Data and Analytics solutions require consideration of a data lake architectural model. Most of my recent digital transformation initiatives involve data lake solutions to support IoT, Mobility, and AI goals.

Design Thinking for Technical Excellence

Topics #Design Thinking #Design #Leadership #Technology

As an Enterprise Architect, I practice Design Thinking in my daily solution design activities, team interactions, user requirements gathering, and business stakeholder management. Modern business initiatives require adoption of design thinking to their core culture to compete, thrive, and sustain their services with agility. Design thinking can be applied to any discipline.

How To Deal With Big Data For AI?

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In this article, I provide a pragmatic architectural overview of the Big Data management lifecycle covering the distinct phases and essential definitions with critical solution considerations based on my architectural experience acquired from many successful and failed projects. I learnt that architecting Big Data solutions pragmatically with rigour can substantially contribute to the delivery of quality AI and Cognitive solutions especially in enterprise modernisation and digital transformation programs. These transformative programs are empowered by Big Data and AI, integrated with other emerging technology domains e.g. Cloud, Edge, IoT, Blockchain, and Mobile technologies.

Free Online Technology Courses

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In this post, I want to introduce free learning programs by industry experts and industry skill badges offered by the Cognitive Class AI to help you boost your data science, machine learning, cognitive computing, cloud computing, deep learning, Blockchain, programming, open-source tools, and artificial intelligence capabilities online at your convenience in 2020. Continuous learning and applying our knowledge can be powerful and critical success factors for achieving our professional goals. The Cognitive Class AI offers a wide variety of professional learning paths, as free of charge, to learners globally. In this article, I provide you with some prominent learning path samples with links so that you commence achieving your 2020 professional education and career development goals.

A Modern Enterprise Architecture Approach

Topics #Enterprise Architecture #Design #Technology

My purpose to author this book was to provide essential guidance, compelling ideas, and unique ways to Enterprise Architects so that they could successfully perform complex enterprise modernization initiatives transforming them from chaos to coherence. This is not a theory book describing Enterprise Architecture in detail. There are myriad of books on the market and in libraries discussing details of enterprise architecture.

The Blockchain

Topics #Blockchain #Security #Digital Trust

Is the Blockchain panacea to address manipulation problems and illuminate the world with true trust? Can we enable Artificial Intelligence without the Blockchain? Can we start developing the Blockchain application? Let’s explore! In this article, my aim is to introduce what the Blockchain is without hype, its importance with facts, its architecture for autonomous systems, compelling use cases it presents, business value proposition, the technologies and processes behind it, learning and development opportunities, current progress for its deployment, future plans for integrating it to our lives to better understand it and gain more insights about its value proposition.

Digital Twin Solutions

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In this article, I want to introduce Digital Twin concept as an emerging technology used in various industries. My aim is to give an overview and shed lights on this emerging technology, architectural construct, and business initiative based on my experience. I explain the digital twin concept using the Cyber-Physical System architecture, business use cases, and value proposition.Digital Twin concept is simple however manifesting them in reality can be complex and difficult to due to combination of underlying technology stacks, tools, and integration requirements. Therefore, a structured and methodical approach to the topic is essential.

Power of the Edge Computing

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The purpose of this article is to introduce the Edge Computing as a functional and non-functional extension to the IoT (Internet of Things) and the Cloud Computing service model. The Edge Computing is a powerful extension to the Cloud and the IoT based Big Data Analytics projects. Let me set the context by giving you a brief background on the Cloud and the IoT relationship, then introduce the Edge Computing in this context. We all know the recent trends for the Cloud Computing. The Cloud marked a paradigm shift to Information Technology and Computing field. The IoT Cloud is a critical player in the data ecosystem of large business organisations. The central role the Cloud plays in the IoT is to facilitate data integration of the solution components effectively. IoT solutions are mainly used to provide real-time information to consumers.

Big Data as a Service

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In this article, I want to introduce the business value, architecture, use cases, deployment, and service model of Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) which is a novel and rapidly growing Cloud-based service. The service is offered to support big data and analytics solutions in a cost-effective manner. This service can be considered as a type of outsourcing model for the deployment of big data and analytics projects rapidly and inexpensively. It is considered inexpensive because we can use the service without upfront investment for costly underlying infrastructure hosting the big data and analytics solutions. Underlying infrastructure costs can include computing servers, storage, network, appliances, racks, hosting facilities, and more importantly infrastructure management and support costs.

Viability Assessment for IoT Solutions

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In this article, I aim to introduce a critical architectural and design tool to validate feasibility of IoT (Internet of Things) solutions across the project lifecycle. I attempt to explain what this tool does, why we need to use it, and how we create, document, analyze, and communicate it to relevant stakeholders of the IoT solutions. Viability Assessment is a critical architectural and design tool to meet business organization’s standards, solution requirements, use cases, project quality criteria, industry compliance, and consumer expectations. This article provides awareness for IoT solution architects to use this tool effectively. Without applying proper viability assessment, IoT projects can most certainly fail! As solution architects and designers, we use a viability assessment work-product, which exists in many proprietary and open-source architectural solution methods. We can either use a viability assessment work-product template from an established open-source method such as TOGAF or our business organization’s proprietary method

IoT, Big Data, & Cloud Computing

Topics #IoT #Big Data #Cloud Computing

IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data Analytics, and Cloud Computing are three distinct technology domains with overlapping use cases. Each technology has its own merits; however, the combination of three creates a synergy and the golden opportunity for businesses to reap the exponential benefits. This combination can create technological magic for innovation when adequately architected, designed, implemented, and operated. In this post, my aim is to provide relationships among IoT, Big Data Analytics, and the Cloud Computing as detailed in one of my recent books titled Architecting Big Data & Analytics Solutions — Integrated with IoT & Cloud.

Big Data Lifecycle Management

Topics #Big Data #Data Platforms #Data Architecture

In this article, I want to provide an architectural overview of the Big Data lifecycle management based on key points extracted from my recent book titled “Architecting Big Data & Analytics Solutions — Integrated with IoT & Cloud”. Understanding this process is essential to architect and design Big Data solutions. Big data is different from traditional data. The main differences come from characteristics such as volume, velocity, variety, veracity, value and overall complexity of data sets in a data ecosystem. Understanding these V words provide useful insights into the nature of Big Data.


1- Develop smart methods to make content easily accessible by your readers.

2 — Prevent your precious stories from being buried in the crowd.

3 — Use short-form story delivery to amplify your content in our three publications. Take benefit of the privileges we grant to our valued writers.

4 — Take benefit of the distribution facilities of our three publications.

5 — Increase collaboration with other writers by sharing your collections.

Thank you for reading my perspectives and stories in this collection. I look forward to exploring and reading your stories too. Keep creating and sharing meaningfully. Think big, collaborate and thrive!

If you are interested in becoming a contributor to Technology Hits, ILLUMINATION, and ILLUMINATION-Curated, please send a request via this link. Please point out the name of the preferred publication in your request form. Alternatively, you can leave a brief comment on this story showing your interest to participate.

You are welcome to join my 100K+ mailing list, to collaborate, enhance your network, and receive technology newsletter reflecting my industry experience.

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