avatarMartin Rushton


Martin Rushton is an emerging poet from the South of England, known for his naughty and humorous rhymes, who has found a following on Medium.


Martin Rushton introduces himself as a previously unknown writer who has recently gained attention on Medium for his humorous and often risqué poetry. Originally from the South of England, Rushton developed a passion for rhyming during lockdown, which led him to write love poems that took an unexpectedly naughty turn. Despite his short time on the platform, his work has been well-received, earning him the playful title of a "naughty boy." He expresses a desire to eventually write short stories or books but is currently committed to fulfilling his poetic endeavors. Rushton humorously addresses his reputation for having a "dirty mind," while also clarifying that he is not a "dirty old man" and maintains a respectable life at home. He concludes by acknowledging his readers and teasing his best works, inviting readers to explore his poems further.


  • Rushton views himself as an ordinary person who has found joy and success in writing poetry on Medium.
  • He is proud of his work and expresses gratitude towards his readers, clappers, and responders for their support and engagement.
  • Rushton's poetry has evolved from love poems to include more risqué themes, which he embraces with a sense of humor.
  • Despite the cheeky nature of his poems, he is keen to emphasize that he leads a conventional life and does not embody the stereotype of a "dirty old man."
  • He sees his current focus on poetry as a commitment he intends to honor, hinting at a future where he might explore other forms of writing like short stories or books.
  • Rushton's writing is inspired by interactions with his audience, as evidenced by poems that were responses to comments from readers like Matilda Fairholm and Erika Lauts Anderson.

An introduction: Martin Rushton

A short bio about the rude poet

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

I’m really not that special, And genuinely quite unknown. Wasn’t one for reading, During lockdown this has grown.

I come from the South of England If you must know for my sins. I have a home and family, So don’t live amongst the bins.

I have a strange obsession, With things that have to rhyme. It started with one liners, But now got extra time.

I wanted to write love poems, It started to go so well. Things got a little naughty, I ran with it, what the hell.

Only been on here for a month, And finding it a joy. It must be going fairly well, To be called a naughty boy!

I’d love to write short stories, Or maybe a book or two. But as I started rude poems, I better see them through.

So yes I have a dirty mind, But I’m not a dirty old man. And as I said I live at home, Not flashing from a van.

So now you know who I am, Say hello should we pass. I better get a move on, As I got to cut the grass.

©MartinRushton 2020

A big tribute to my readers, clappers and responders

What I consider my best work

Poetry On Medium
Self Introduction
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