avatarAlex Garrett


Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash


Alex G. — Exposed

This is my writer bio for Illumination.

I prefer to write about national and global issues. That’s why I’m a top writer in Government, Future, and Ideas — but not in Mental Health or Advice. But at the urging of my fellow Illuminators, such as Dr Mehmet Yildiz, I will say a little about who I am and why I write.

Ramin Zareian, Noam Chomsky, and me in September of 2018.

I am a left-wing partisan from the American South.

We are more numerous than you may think. In fact, I once won a book in a raffle drawing — entitled Hammer and Hoe — that detailed how Communist politics created a cross-racial movement for economic justice in Alabama, where I grew up. Even in conservative states, socialist organizers can help create real change for people who need it.

I was born in Manhattan during a federal government shutdown — something that used to be unusual in the U.S.

Screenshot: author. The New York Times.

I lived in the Metropolitan Atlanta Area until I finished first grade.

Photo by Tomasz Filipek on Unsplash

When I was seven years old, my mom moved my sister and me to her hometown in Alabama.

The state was beautiful, and I made some of the best friends I will ever have.

As I got older, I became increasingly curious about what it would be like to move back to Atlanta.

I enrolled at a private school here in The City Too Busy To Hate, and I began to work a lot harder in school.

During my senior year, I got accepted to the University of Georgia. I enrolled at UGA as a “Mass Media Arts” student, but I ended up majoring in Political Science.

I had a lot of fun in college, both in spite and because of the interest I developed in politics.

Photo by Tanushree Rao on Unsplash

The more I learned about the world, the U.S. government, and the yawning inequities in the human experience, the more determined I became to devote my career to educating people about political, social, and legal issues.

But I realized in 2018 that participating in protests and working for political campaigns was not a reliable means of effecting change.

So, I decided to attend law school, and I have been a JD/MPA student at Georgia State University ever since. More recently, I became the President of the Georgia State University chapter of the American Constitution Society, which is a progressive legal organization — sort of like the egalitarian counterweight to the Federalist Society.

I have a lot of goals for the next few years: pass the bar exam, have kids, master the Spanish language, and more. But for now, I just want to bring you the best articles I can. Here are some highlights from my blogging career:

  • My only article distributed in the “Mental Health” and “Lifestyle” tags
  • My most engaging article, as measured by Average Reading Time (~4 minutes)
  • The article that my family likes the best
  • My most recent article distributed in “Race” and “Equality”
  • and, finally, my top-earning article of all time.
Life Lessons
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