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A Self-Portrait of a Writer

Introducing myself to ILLUMINATION

The author, 2019

Everything from my past — every moment good and bad — has made me the writer I am today. The world that has shaped me and the people who have imprinted memories onto the landscape of my mind have all played a leading role in my biography as an illuminated writer.

It is a privilege to share this with you here and to be among other talented writers who have done the same. Thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for this opportunity.

Perhaps, in introducing who I am, you get a glimpse of who I was and what I will be.

I am a life-long creative in writing, art, and music. I have folders, journals, and sketchbooks full of half-finished projects. On Medium and ILLUMINATION, I have found a space to stay dedicated to my writing.

I am a published author, in my professional career. I see this, however, as another world, separate from what I pursue here on Medium. Professional writing often requires the removal of one’s own voice and opinion, whereas the magic of creative writing is figuring out how to illuminate the personal perspective.

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” Rumi

I believe in leaving it all on the page. Anything less and we’re either lying to ourselves or lying to the reader.

This year, I set out to write a memoir about something I’ve avoided dealing with for over 30 years. It’s a story of personal growth — learning compassion for others by learning it for myself. It is challenging to dig deep to find the truth and then to transfer it onto the blank page. It continues to be a slow process and, finding both joy and sorrow in the journey, I am continually filling my cup.

In the slow, painstaking process of writing this memoir, however, I’ve found so many other things to write about! One of those topics is race.

My sister asked me recently, “Why did you choose the topic of race for your debut as a writer?”

Quite simply, I told her, I had something to say.

I recently published this piece here on ILLUMINATION about an early childhood memory — a confusing and awkward time that has shaped a lifetime of relationships.

When I published it, I realized that many others have similar stories from their childhood. It is in the power of sharing stories that we create human connection, focusing on what brings us together rather than what divides us.

So I started a podcast: United States of Race

If you love great storytelling and believe in the power of building connection through preserving and sharing personal stories, follow us on Instagram. We’ll be announcing the podcast launch very soon!

Instagram: United States of Race

Once we launch, you can subscribe to United States of Race on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

You can also get involved!

We’re looking for deeply personal and poignant stories from people across the U.S. to be part of the United States of Race podcast. If you have a compelling story to share about your earliest memories of race, please reach out — we’d love to feature you on the podcast.

Email at [email protected].

I love Medium because it provides a platform to experiment with many styles.

This year being what it is, I have used this platform to explore the colors and emotions associated with uncertainty and doubt, which resulted in a couple of short, creative non-fiction pieces about dealing with change.

I recently wrote a sardonic and loving ode about my sister, on the occasion of her birthday.

I recently uncovered a journal entry from ten years ago, during a time when I was searching for the self-actualization that had escaped me for so long. Unbeknownst to me then, the declaration of love I wrote to myself was in the anaphora form of poetry.

And, I’ve written pieces about the things I needed to say to people in the moment but wasn’t able to.

Aside from Medium, you can also find me here:

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely appreciate you joining me and supporting me on this journey.

Drop a note to say hello!

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