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Ryan Porter, a writer and educator with a background in journalism and geology, shares his life experiences, including a formative dog bite incident, his diverse career path, and his passion for writing, photography, and teaching, while emphasizing his belief in the adage "everything happens for a reason."


Ryan Porter introduces himself as a resilient individual who, despite a traumatic childhood incident involving a dog bite, has maintained a positive outlook on life. He has a diverse educational background, having studied broadcast journalism and geology, and has developed a strong writing skill set, which he has applied in various roles, including as an editor for his university's newspaper. After college, Ryan explored different career avenues, including digital media, tutoring, and co-founding a startup, all of which have contributed to his personal and professional growth. His interests are broad, ranging from sports to photography and travel, and he is committed to health and fitness. Ryan's writing style is influenced by AP journalism principles, but he strives to infuse his personality into his work. He has written on topics such as startup culture and life lessons, and he is the creator of "Better Content," a publication aimed at inspiring and educating content creators. Ryan expresses gratitude for the support he has received and is optimistic about his future in writing.


  • Ryan believes that every event, even seemingly negative ones, occurs for a reason and can lead to positive outcomes.
  • He values the impact of writing and teaching, aiming to help others through his work.
  • Ryan is an advocate for embracing change and new experiences, as evidenced by his varied career choices and willingness to adapt his writing style.
  • He sees photography as a way to share his perspective with the world and to rekindle his sense of adventure.
  • Ryan is influenced by the principles of AP style writing but is open to expanding his repertoire to include more of his personal voice.
  • He is proud of his achievements, such as becoming a "top writer" on Medium, and is enthusiastic about the growth of his publication, "Better Content."
  • Reflecting on his journey, Ryan acknowledges the importance of community and mentorship in his development as a writer.

A Self-Introduction to Ryan Porter

Everything happens for a reason

Photo courtesy of the author

When I was three years old, my grandparents’ dog, which was bigger than me at the time, bit me in the face. I hardly remember what happened after that. I know my grandparents rushed me to the hospital. I know my parents left a wedding to come see me. I also know the doctors put 33 stitches in my forehead. I heard about all this after the fact.

I do remember the moment before the dog bit me. I can vividly see its teeth approaching my eyes. I’m lucky it struck me just above the brow.

That moment is the first childhood memory that I can remember. Everything before then is a blur. Thankfully, I still love dogs. The accident didn’t turn me against them for life. If anything, it brought me closer.

I stand by the idea that everything happens for a reason. I write about it all the time. It is the greatest force in my life. When something bad happens, I look at the aftermath through a positive lens.

To me, it’s the only way to live.

My background

I grew up in a small beach town in Los Angeles. Everyone knows each other, and playing sports through high school only increased my bond to the town

I attended California State University, Fullerton, where I studied broadcast journalism and geology.

My peculiar situation was quite the talking point amongst my professors. They all seemed to know I was an editor for the university’s daily newspaper, so I was called on frequently to share my writing. One geology professor even told me it was an honor to read my papers. I guess my interest in writing paid off.

I wouldn’t have been an editor if things had worked out the way I thought I wanted them to.

I tried transferring to the UC system during my sophomore year. I was denied. I failed to get into a “better school.”

Everything happens for a reason.

Regardless of my apparent skills, I neglected my writing after college. I wanted to move past it and work in the “digital media” field. To this day, I don’t really know what that means. I was more focused on photography and video at the time. I got a job out of college as a commercial set production assistant, but I hated the long days.

Later, I landed a job as a tutor, and spent three years learning to teach (I now work for a school district). More recently, I cofounded a start up with my best friend. We spent two years developing a ready-to-drink matcha beverage. We created an entire brand and went to market.

Then COVID-19 brought our little engine to a halt. I knew I had to leave the startup to pursue something else.

My interest areas

I’m still figuring out what I like to write about. Originally, I thought I’d be a sports writer. I love basketball, football, and baseball, so it seemed natural to gravitate toward sports journalism. I spent one year as a sports editor, and I haven’t written a proper sports story since.

I’d rather help people with my writing. My three years as a tutor has turned me into an educator of sorts. I’m drawn to teaching others, but I need to narrow down my expertise.

I have an affinity for photography. I love seeing the world through a lens. I enjoy the meticulous process of shooting and editing. It offers a chance to show others the world as I see it. Because of photography, my call to adventure has been renewed.

Travel is a vital part of my life. It does not matter where I go. As long as my friends and camera are with me, I’m happiest when I’m away from home.

Additionally, health and fitness play a major role in my life. I lift weights or go on a run most days of the week. I’ve learned to balance my diet, and I allow myself to eat foods I enjoy. I’ve created a lifestyle around health, and I couldn’t be any happier with myself about it.

Startup culture also interests me. After two years working on one, you learn a thing or two about “business.” I’m far from a business genius though. Writing about my experience makes me feel like Vincent Adultman from Bojack Horseman. Against all odds, my work has been featured in The Startup and Entrepreneur’s Handbook.

My writing style

AP style left an impression on me. During college, I was groomed to write short sentences. Readers like simple sentences. They are easy to read. There’s no room for biased adjectives. Just write the facts.

Though I prefer periods to separate clauses instead of conjunctions, I’m expanding my repertoire.

That’s the whole point of writing right?

It’s about trying new things.

I want to write the way I talk. I want to show my readers my personality. I can joke around, and I can write professionally.

I can turn it off and on as I please.

My favorite and most popular stories

I’m not the most popular writer yet, but I’m proud of my progress. You don’t know how stoked I was to become a “top writer” on Medium.

Here are a few of my favorite stories. I have a lot of room to grow, but I’m happy with what I’ve come up with so far.

Startup Culture

Inspiration/Life Lessons


Welcome to my publication: Better Content

I’d love to drown you in links to my stories, but it would be more efficient to give you this. It’s a link to my publication. I write about the art of content creation.

In Better Content, you’ll find writing tips, productivity hacks, and stories about photography. I want it to be a source of inspiration, education, and better storytelling.

I’m just excited the publication is growing. It’s happening organically too. It shows that there’s a community for content creators.

Last thought

I’ll wrap things up here. I’d like to shout out to Dr Mehmet Yildiz and Illumination for always supporting me and other budding writers. I needed an extra spark this week, so I thought it would be a great idea to write this bio.

I’m looking forward to the future. I’m in love with writing again. I don’t go a day without thinking about it. I’m trying to create a lifestyle around it, and I challenge you to do the same.

Anything can become easier if you make a habit of it.

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