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An individual finds solace and rejuvenation by escaping the city's cacophony for a serene and invigorating hike through a forest, culminating in a profound connection with nature.


The author expresses a deep yearning for tranquility, which prompts a journey into the forest. The city's relentless noise and constant activity have become unbearable, driving the need for a peaceful retreat. As the author ventures into the wilderness, the sensory experience of the forest—fresh oxygen, the sound of rushing water, and the sight of diverse wildflowers—brings about a transformation. The hike leads to moments of reflection and joy, as the author encounters various elements of nature, from the smallest creatures to the grandeur of mountains. The experience is described as transcendent, akin to 'heaven on earth,' and leaves the author feeling revitalized and ready to face the world anew. The piece concludes with gratitude for the beauty of the forest and the life it sustains, emphasizing the spiritual connection one can feel in the presence of nature.


  • The author expresses a strong belief in the restorative power of nature, particularly forests.
  • There is a clear appreciation for the sensory experiences that nature provides, which are seen as antidotes to the stresses of urban life.
  • The author holds a reverential view of forests, likening them to sacred spaces that offer stillness and a sense of connection with the universe.
  • The experience of being alone in nature is valued as an opportunity for introspection and emotional healing.
  • The author implies that such encounters with nature are essential for mental and spiritual well-being.
  • There is an underlying sense of gratitude towards nature and the Creator for the beauty and peace experienced during the hike.
My photo of a forest wilderness trail in Alaska.

A Mystical Forest Listens to My Troubled Heart Bringing Peace and Joy

DEP poetry prompt for Feb / Mar: Forest moments, connecting with nature.

It is time. I need to go into a forest.

City clamor is fraying my nerves

Traffic flows constantly on my street

Noise of household appliances is never still.

My body craves a peaceful place

I pack a lunch, get into my car

I drive the highway toward the hills

I can see mountains in the distance.

Already the blood in my veins surges

Stored memories have awakened

My body is tense with anticipation

My skin sizzles with excitement.

My photo of forest trail in the Pacific Cascades.

A woodland trail awaits my presence.

The sun shines brightly, not a cloud in the sky

My hiking boots dance in the yielding soil

Unbridled energy courses throughout my body.

Tall trees infuse the air with fresh oxygen

I breathe deeply, a breeze plays with my hair

I smell pine needles and earthy duff

Vegetation sways gently beside the path

A skink darts into the undergrowth

To escape the giant that I am

I hear Pikas whistle a warning,

“A stranger is near our rocky hillside.”

The trail steepens, I’m climbing higher.

The sound of rushing water reaches my ears

There must be fast rapids ahead

Wonderful, I’m ready for a pristine rest stop.

My photo of a rushing stream in a forest in Oregon.

I find a handy boulder near the stream

Unlacing my boots I thrust my feet in

Ah, such blessed relief,

My body is completely refreshed.

Not another soul, but I know I’m not alone

Vibrant life exists all around me

A bee buzzes around Indian paintbrush

Getting drunk on the nectar it finds.

I enjoy my lunch of cheese and salami

My trail mix of walnuts, raisins and M&Ms

Will sustain my energy needs as I pack up

And continue to hike on the trail that lures me.

My photo of wildflowers on a forest hillside in the Cascades.

A field of diverse wildflowers takes my breath away

I am delirious with the far sight of mountains,

To me, this is my idea of heaven on earth

My heart is filled with joy and wonder

I thank the Creator for this glorious day

The sun feels so pleasant on my arms

I pause on the ridge and marvel at the beauty

I have to impress this image on my mind.

Gray clouds are gathering overhead

Darn, I should cut my hike short and go down

My pace is faster as I descend, the air feels cooler,

Do I detect drops of mist against my face?

I reach my car as the sky releases its burden

Rain replenishes the earth with life giving water,

The dust on the road has settled down

I’m sorry to leave, but my soul is revitalized.

I no longer feel harried, a calm suffuses my body

Nature has filled me with its love and peace

I can return to my world with renewed vigor

Ready to tackle whatever comes my way.

Profound quotes that sustain and enrich my life:

“Forests are like churches, hallowed places. There’s a stillness about them, a sort of reverence.” — Sabrina Elkins

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” — John Muir

“But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand that you’re connected with everything.” — Alan Watts

Thank you Dr. Gabriella Korosi for giving us this poetry prompt of forest moments:

Jason Edmunds writes a poignant piece about releasing a loved one’s ashes in nature.

Libby Shively McAvoy has written a beautiful article on the realities of dog ownership.

Published and enjoyed by Annelise Lords

Dep Poetry
Prompt Response
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