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4 super smart ways Rob Lowe plans to stay hot after 60

If I look just a fraction as good as Rob Lowe does at age 60, I’ll consider it a massive victory.

That’s because I know how hard it is to stay fit as I approach my mid-40s, let alone being as jacked as this actor is as he enters his seventh decade on planet Earth.

When you’re young, fitness comes relatively easily.

You can eat whatever the hell you want.

You can work out constantly without constant fear of injury or fatigue.

But as you age, you must become more thoughtful about your diet and exercise choices:

  • If you push too hard, you’ll almost certainly get hurt
  • If you’re too undisciplined about what you eat, you’ll pack on the pounds faster than you ever thought possible

Luckily, there are some fairly simple ways to make the job easier — tricks Rob Lowe revealed in a new interview recently.

It’s sure as heck working for him, so maybe we can learn a thing or two.

Let’s dig into the 4 ways Rob Lowe plans to stay hot at 60+ right now.

Staying fit gets harder the older you get. Rob Lowe is approaching the task in 4 smart ways. (Licensed by the author under the Unsplash+ License)

The first smart way Rob Lowe stays jacked at 60

Lowe has long admitted to having a rabid sweet tooth, so managing his diet and especially his cravings

Lowe told People Magazine recently that his willpower is “non-existent”.

He explained:

“I can’t eat like I’m in college anymore.”

“I have plenty of willpower right up until the moment that I have absolutely no willpower … I need to be prepared for the times when my willpower flies out the window.”

“I tried to cut sugar completely as my new year’s resolution. And now I’m figuring, okay, that’s not sustainable for me, but how do I really watch my sugar consumption?”

Lowe does so using low-sugar Atkins snacks, but everyone is different and has unique cravings.

For me, I don’t crave sugar all that much, and I manage my sugar weak points simply by limiting access.

I don’t have freezer cake in the house for a reason.

I could eat pizza for dinner every single night, too, so I asked my wife to stop buying frozen ones and then I don’t really think about it.

Overall, it’s all about working that discipline muscle, too.

Said Lowe: “I’m trying to be even more disciplined now as I’m older just because as you get older, you need to watch what you eat even more than when you were younger.”

The second smart way Rob Lowe plans to stay strong at 60

The second smart way Lowe stays in shape at 60+ is by surrounding himself with active people.

Here’s what he said:

“I can’t wait to train or to do something physical.

“I have very good friends and family that have to be dragged into doing something physical … that would be super tough to overcome.”

Think about it.

If you have a bunch of pals who love to go hiking, you’re going to be much better off than if you surrounded yourself with bad influences who want to play 5 hours of video games and consume nothing but potato chips and soda.

Just as you must manage your environment diet-wise, so too must you manage who your main influences are in your personal life.

I’m fortunate that my wife also values gym time and my kids both play competitive sports, so I’m surrounded by active people all the time.

The third smart way Rob Lowe is staying buff at 60+

The third smart way Lowe stays fit at 60 might be the most important one mentioned here.

Here’s what he said:

“I am blessed that I really enjoy physical exertion and adventure.

“So if I’m not on a set, I build my entire day around what activity I’m going to do.

It might be a paddle in the ocean, a hike, running sprints on the track, pickleball, tennis. I’m pretty much up for anything.”

I wrote about this recently in a piece about how Victoria Beckham stays fit as heck at age 49.

Here’s what I wrote:

“Beckham always carves time out in the morning for the gym, and that time is sacrosanct.

“Many of us try to stay on a regular gym schedule, but too often we miss a shift because we don’t make it a priority(or we’re feeling too lazy that day).

“If something else comes up, the gym automatically loses the showdown.

“If said replacement activity isn’t critical or mandatory, however, there should be an argument for keeping your gym date.”

People who stay fit later in life are those who prioritize fitness rather than treating it like an afterthought.

I know when I’m getting away from it, I need to rejig my schedule to bring exercise back to the fore.

The fourth smart way Rob Lowe stays jacked at 60

This is a really important one for me, and it’s something I’ve talked about on numerous occasions: you can’t stay fit if you’re always on the shelf.

There were two reasons I found myself getting injured a lot in my late 40s:

Here’s how Lowe explained his approach to “non-injury” and “pushing myself as hard as I ever did”:

“The challenge for me is a day off means a day off but I want to continue to do stuff.

“I really have to push myself to say, no, no, this is the day where it’s okay to sit on the couch and watch football.

“I love a good sauna, I love the cold plunge, and I’ve become reacquainted with the value of just a long walk, which I used to think was a waste of time, and I now know differently.”

Man, I feel this. As an ADHD person, my default mode is GO.

Sometimes you just have to listen to your body and take your foot off the gas, however.

Be kind to your aging body

Lowe is inspiring because, in a society that constantly derides the aging process, he has embraced it and shown it is possible to stay fit and healthy no matter what your birth certificate reads.

If you love and embrace where you are, you’ll be in the right mental place to make the most of it.

“I remember being intimidated turning 40. I remember being intimidated turning 50, and this is no different,” he said. “And just like those milestones, the closer I get, the better I feel about it.”

Friends, thank you so much for taking the time to read today! If you enjoyed this piece, please give it a clap or two, let me know in the comments, and support my work directly for less than the cost of a Starbucks coffee a month (cancel any time)!

My top 5 stories of all time:

  1. Do these 4 exercises and you’ll be in the best shape of your life
  2. Jacked Rob Lowe revealed the 1 harsh truth about staying fit over 60
  3. I quit alcohol for 1 month and my side hustle income exploded
  4. Bruce Springsteen’s 1 effective fitness tip for staying cut after 70
  5. The 1 priceless book that kicked off my quit alcohol journey
Healthy Lifestyle
Health And Fitness
Rob Lowe
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