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3 Things to Remember When You Must Choose Between Your Twin Flame and Your Soul Mate

Love is not true if it’s forced. It’s true when the choice is made.

Both twin flames and soulmates are for learning and healing purposes, no matter how painful they may seem. (Photo: Gerd Altmann)

1. A Twin Prepares You For A Mate

Twin flames and soulmates are connections that started in the cosmos. They can have you dreaming so big you could lose yourself in that person. They are the people you meet who feel like home. Like coming home to a long-lost version of you.

These connections open you up to new and exciting things. They take you to dimensions you didn’t even know were there. They walk into your life and sweep you off your feet.

Twin flames are divine soul connections. They’re basically an extension of yourself. Like a mirror. Seeing them is like seeing yourself. They show you yourself and everything else.

Twin flames come into your life when you have things to heal. They don't come to play romance with you. They come to trigger you to show you the hidden things that need to be healed, and they don’t stay to help you heal.

They're here to make you the best version of yourself and they will do it any way possible, even if it means triggering you to heal.

Triggers are the hurt things inside you that are hidden. Your twin shows you, and then they leave. They leave so you can focus on working on yourself.

If they stay, you'll be distracted for sure. You'll be sleeping with them everyday instead of healing yourself. When you sleep with your twin, you merge with them and it becomes difficult to see and heal yourself. It complicates and can even ruin things. It changes everything. It's such a high that gets you addicted and addictions are painful.

The moment you get addicted, your twin subconscious remembers the assignment and remembers it's not about romance, so they run. And because you're addicted, you chase.

There’s a part of you that chases because it’s not okay alone. That's what needs to be healed. Until you heal those parts of you, there’ll always be a separation from your twin flame.

If you want it to work with your twin flame, you must heal everything and they must too at the same time. Most twin flames relationships don’t make it because it’s impossible that both souls will heal at the same time.

Until both twins heal, the two souls will be caught in a runner chases toxic cycle.

When your twin runs, don’t chase after them. If you chase, it will never, ever work. Stay and heal yourself. Stay and learn to love yourself as much as you love them.

If both twins realize their connection and agree that they both need to heal, then everything in the universe will conspire to get them in a divine union that will inspire all of humanity.

2. A Mate Comes Along On The Journey

Soulmates are also divine soul connections, but they are a bit different.

You and your soulmate originate from the same energy source, but they aren't you. They aren't your mirror. They're a part of you and together you become as one.

They don’t need you to be healed for the connection to work out. Their purpose is to help you heal and they stay to help and support you. The moment you see all the things that need to be healed and start healing them, God sends a soul mate to help you heal your deepest wounds.

Soul mates appear because the universe heard your cry for help and healing. It’s that person you meet when you're feeling like you can't do it on your own and they come and ignite a fire that ceases to go out.

They’re perfect in every way and it’s a gentle type of love. A soulmate won’t have you running around chasing them. They help you slow down and be still.

No running. No chasing. Just two people agreeing they will stay together no matter what, through the light and in the darkness, too.

They come just to take some of the burdens off your shoulders. They come to lighten the weight and the mood. They come to show you how to smile again.

They come so you don't have to do it alone and most of the time; they promise to stay for a long while.

3. The One Who Stays is The One

When you have to choose between your twin flame and your soulmate; when you have to decide whether to keep chasing after the one that got away or settle down with the one that never wants to leave your side, it’s really up to you.

The choice is yours.

You could run after someone who refuses to stop and will always run because they can't stand the things you show them to heal or you can choose someone whose presence feels simple, like breathing.

You can decide to keep waiting by the door in hopes your twin runner thinks of you and comes back to you or you can wait, focus on loving yourself and hope the universe sends the best person for you.

Forcing or manipulating a runner to stay unwillingly causes friction and creates so much resistance that it goes against the natural order of things.

Love is not love if it's forced. It's real love when the choice is made.

Holding on too tight or feeling as if you can’t live without a twin flame causes them to be taken from you prematurely because obviously you have many things to heal and they would be a distraction to your healing process.

When a twin flame runs, keep loving them because they’re you, but set them free to see if they make that choice to come back. If a twin stays to heal with you, that’s your heart and you belong with them.

If a twin runs and a soulmate comes and promises to stay, love your mate even more because that’s true love.

But at the end of the day, both twin flames and soulmates are all for learning and healing purposes, no matter how painful they may seem.

Note: This article is only meant to provide spiritual guidance and light-hearted content.

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