avatarJames Julian


2 brutal habits block you from making huge money online (quit now)

You’re going to think I’m a bit of a weirdo here.

I’m about to argue for you quitting 2 brutal habits that are keeping you poor and preventing you from chasing your dreams.

What makes me a weirdo is that the average American spends 5 hours per day on these 2 activities alone.

And I’m sure that number is actually low.

Then they claim to have “not enough time” for things like writing, creating videos, or doing anything else related to building a business on the side.

Lies. Excuses.

Most people love making excuses because it’s so much easier than, like …doing stuff.

The problem is that these activities prevent you from building the life you want — building a life you can be proud of.

It’s in the interest of companies that facilitate these activities to keep you plugged in and zombied out for as long as possible.

Does that bother you? Are you tired of life feeling like you’re living your life on a hamster wheel?

Read on.

TV isn’t relaxing you. It’s making you miserable in the long run. (Licensed by the author under the Unsplash+ License)

The biggest lie preventing you from major success

People really kill me sometimes.

Often when I write stories about how I made multiple five figures last year creating online, I’ll get some variation of the following comment:

“Wow James, that’s awesome, I wish I had the time to write every day! Life is so crazy, it’s hard to find the time!”

I always wonder: “You think I’m overflowing with free time over here?”

I have a full-time job, a writing side business, a monetized YouTube channel, a large investment portfolio to manage, a wife, two kids I coach in competitive sports literally every night, and a house that needs work … and I’m sure I’m forgetting something.

It often feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day.

And yet I still find time to write and build on the side.


I waste less time than you.

Open your phone’s screen time in settings right now.

If you have any social media time that isn’t business-related, you have time.

If you have any time on YouTube, Netflix, or any other streamer, you have time.

Zombification of America

America is being zombified, and these are the two main culprits:

  1. Social media
  2. Streaming/TV

The moment you decide to unplug and shift from being a content consumer to a content creator is the moment you’ll start feeling real freedom.

Most people will clap back at me for writing this with statements like:

“Sheesh James, you need some downtime, don’t you? How do you relax?”

“You need some balance. You’re going to burn out.”

Listen, watching endless hours of TV or scrolling reels on autopilot isn’t relaxing you.

It’s making you miserable.

Because you’re putting off a life that will actually interest and inspire you.

You see, I like working on my business.

Knowing I’m moving toward a life of freedom from money worries, a life with less time in an office and more autonomy — that relaxes me.

Sitting on the couch, being stagnant?

That’s stressful to me.

It’s hard to burn out when you actually love what you do.

And you could be like me too if you gave yourself the chance.

Getting started on a project like building a business is hard. It’s intimidating.

But once you start doing it every day, it becomes easy (see an update on my Publish Every Day project below).

It becomes routine.

Because you’ve made it a habit and it feels better to do it than to not do it.

Quit cryin’

The average American spends five-plus hours a day watching TV and/or scrolling social media.

If you’re happy with being normal, with being “average”, go ahead, have at it.

Just don’t come crying to me that you “don’t have time” to build something better.

Publish Every Day project update: Day 83

I’m trying to see if I can make enough money to leave commuter life within a year by publishing every day on various platforms and putting my earnings into passive income investments.

How much I need to retire: $250 CAD per day

What I earned on Day 83: $104.62 (writing) + $1.16 (YouTube) + $1.38 (stock dividends) + $10.03 (stock capital gains) = $117.19 total

Publish Every Day project Day 83 update: total earnings
Publish Every Day project Day 83 update: earnings by day

What I’ve published the last couple of days:

  • This post in my free email newsletter:

Still looking for something else to read?

My current top 5 trending stories:

  1. Alcohol loses more steam as another celebrity tough guy quits at 47
  2. The real truth of making money writing online (they’re lying)
  3. Accept 1 harsh truth if you want to make huge money writing online
  4. Why I’m writing like crazy now to bank big later
  5. How I got myself addicted FAST to writing online again (money update)

Thanks so much for reading! If you enjoyed this piece, please let me know in the comments!

Writing Tips
Passive Income
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