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YRMIRY! Here, Let Me Help, You Read Me, I Read You

It seems like a much better plan than F2F, right?

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Indigo had a marvelous idea and series that she titled “R4R” or read for read. I first saw mention of this on one of Toni The Talker recent posts.

I never thought follow-to-follow worked well for gaining loyal readers. Yeah, it allowed many to reach the 100-follower mark and become monetized, but after that, at least in my case, they became ghosts.

Until I started spending the bulk of my daily Medium allotment of time reading and engaging with others, my site did not grow organically. I wrote about it. Here it is for those interested in the secret sauce.

I’m not speaking for all when I say this because I’m not in your head. And I’m not sure I want to be because most of the time, I’m lost, just rambling around in my own cranial attic.

Your head, your space. My mind, my space. I don’t mess with your stuff, and you don’t mess with mine. Deal?

Anyway, Idigo, you hit the nail on the head in my book. And, no way am I stealing your thunder. But, think of it this way, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”

So, neighbors, I’m going to this because I love bartering. I’ve referred to the premise before as “Tit for Tat.” And, I’m quite sure that the first word threw many of at least one gender into a lather.

I will let it go by the wayside and move on.

Starting now, ready? Set? Go!

I read your post; you read my post. Rinse and repeat. It’s so simple I’m almost giddy with excitement. And no, and let me repeat, if you show up as a new follower, I will not automatically do the same for you.

However, if you stop and read something I’ve written, I will track you down and do the same. YRMIRY. Again, for those in the back, you read me; I read you.

Going forward, if I see you enough, and I determine that you’re my kind of person by what you write and how you write, I will follow you. Sound good?

And if a newbie is just starting and you need your hands held. I can do that too. We all started there once. Just ask Kaz_DHD; it worked for her.

Thanks for reading.

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