avatarCammi Pham


The web content emphasizes that initial attempts at any skill are often subpar, and true proficiency is achieved through persistence and repeated practice.


The article discusses the inevitability of being unskilled when starting out in any endeavor, such as blogging, podcasting, public speaking, or writing. It underscores that expertise is not innate but developed over time through continuous effort. The author, Cammi Pham, reflects on personal experiences of criticism and rejection, yet persists in her craft, learning from each failure. The piece encourages readers to embrace their initial inadequacies, reminding them that even the smartest individuals must endure the beginner phase. It advocates for the value of showing up, trying, and adding value, rather than giving up after early disappointments.


  • The author believes that early attempts in any field, such as writing or speaking, are typically not excellent and require improvement through practice.
  • Children are seen as better learners because they lack ego and are willing to persist through early failures, a trait many adults lose.
  • The author shares personal anecdotes of receiving negative feedback on writing but continues to write and improve by studying top-performing content.
  • Success is attributed to consistent effort and showing up, even when facing setbacks like low attendance or initial lack of recognition.
  • The article suggests that intelligence does not equate to success; rather, it is the willingness to persevere and provide value that leads to meaningful achievements.
  • The concept of "sucking" at the start is presented as a universal experience, and the article encourages embracing this phase as part of the learning journey.

You Will Always Suck at What You Do, Until You Do This

BY CAMMI PHAM — First appeared on my personal blog

Your first 100 blog posts will mostly suck.

Your first 100 podcasts will mostly suck too.

Your first 100 talks will not be perfect.

Your first 100 videos will be nightmares.

Nobody can pick up a ball and become a pro basketball player overnight.

Nobody can pick up a pen, then write and win a Pulitzer Prize right away.

Nobody is interesting during their first interview.

Nobody will walk on the stage without saying a few things wrong.

Nobody learns how to walk after the first step.

We all suck in the beginning.


Children can do what most adults fail to do.

We always think children are clueless. They need our guidance to figure out life. But they know things that most of us have forgotten.

We don’t become better by giving up. We keep trying.

Do babies stop trying to learn to walk after falling the first time? No, they keep trying

That is why everything seems to be possible when you were a child. There was no ego. You only see a finish line and you want to cross it.

I didn’t get a million views on my first blog post. My family said I am so bad at writing, they still don’t read anything I write to this day. But I still write. Because the worst case is the world will hate it.

If I don’t try, I will never find out what they think.

Because I cannot write, I read every top post about a topic before I write an article. Because I suck, I do things other people don’t.

I have hosted a minimum 500 chats before I had my first trending chat. There were nights where nobody showed up and I still asked the questions. I stayed in every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday to work while everyone else was out. People didn’t notice that. Before I created trends, I was a follower. I showed up until I figured it out. And I still show up to this day.

The smartest people are usually not the most successful people. They have big egos and always believe they deserve better.

The truth is no matter how smart you are.


Most people give up right away.

A few people stick around until they get it right.

It means nothing if you are good at something but adding no value. It is better to show up everyday and try.

We suck and it is fine.

Because it is just the beginning.

http://visualonepagers.com/suck/ | Thank you Todd from visualonepagers.com for creating this awesome infographic.

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