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The article suggests that dealing with pain by embracing and transforming it into productive actions can lead to personal growth and creativity.


The author, Cammi Pham, advocates for a simple yet profound approach to handling pain: allowing oneself to fully experience it for a brief period, then channeling that energy into constructive activities. Pham argues that negative emotions are a natural part of life and that trying to eliminate them is not only futile but also prevents us from experiencing true happiness. Instead, she encourages readers to be selfish in their healing process, using their pain as a catalyst to create, learn, and improve themselves. Whether it's writing, painting, learning a new skill, or performing acts of kindness, the article emphasizes that converting pain into action can lead to the creation of meaningful work and personal growth.


  • Pain is an inevitable part of life and is necessary to appreciate happiness.
  • Positive thinking can sometimes hinder the process of dealing with pain.
  • Negative energy should be acknowledged and transformed rather than suppressed or ignored.
  • Sharing stories of sadness can foster a sense of community and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Channeling feelings of hatred or jealousy into self-improvement can lead to surpassing one's competitors.
  • Engaging in acts of kindness can provide perspective and purpose during times of despair.
  • Personal pain can be a source of creativity and inspiration, potentially leading to the creation of art or other achievements.
  • Taking action and focusing on a task can physically transform pain into another form, making it more bearable.

1 Simple Trick to Deal with Pain That Nobody Tells You

BY CAMMI PHAM — First appeared on my personal blog

The next time you are in pain, give yourself 5 minutes. Scream. Cry. Do whatever you want.

Then stop at the 5 minute mark.

And start turning that negative energy into actions.

Some days, we are sad.

Another day, we get mad.

Other days, we feel jealous.

Then there are times we miss someone.

There are moments when we want to hurt people. We feel so much hate.

Other times, we feel depressed and think the world is over.

These are common feelings that can show up daily or when we least expect them. They create negative energy in our lives.

People often say we need to eliminate the negative energy. There are entire schools of thought about negativity and how best to release it from our lives.

But the truth is, without pain there is no happiness. Everything will feel the same. Nobody will be able to feel anything.

Real life is not a self-help book that tells what you want to hear for the sake of driving book sales.

Sometimes, life sucks. It just does.

You don’t have to think positive. Positive thinking often distracts you from dealing with your pain.

If you don’t deal with your negative energy, you will still carry it around everywhere.

Be selfish. Deal with your feelings in an unconventional way.

Convert feelings into actions.

Embrace the negative.

  • If you are sad, start sharing. Tell people what’s making you feel sad. Maybe your feelings and stories will show other people that they are not alone. And you’ll find out you’re not alone either.
  • If you miss someone, start writing about how he inspires you. Maybe it will become the next trending article.
  • If you hate someone, pick up his favorite book. Maybe it will help you understand him better.
  • If you are jealous or angry, learn a skill that your competitor is better at than you. Maybe one day you will surpass him.
  • If you want to kill yourself, do a random act of kindness. You will realize that many people still need you.

Let your negative energy inspire you into doing something you enjoy.

Don’t think, just do it. Just convert all your pain into a new form.

Write a book. Paint a painting. Compose a song. Read a book. Cook some food. Go to the gym. Climb a mountain. Build a startup. Create some magic.

Do something you like. Don’t think about it, just do it.

When you are focusing on doing something, pain will convert from one form to another.

If Therese Malfatti von Rohrenbach zu Dezza didn’t reject Beethoven’s proposal and marry someone else, we wouldn’t have Für Elise.

You may not be Beethoven, but that doesn’t mean your pain can’t help you create something wonderful.

Someone’s pain can be another person’s treasure.

Don’t think. Just do something.

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