You Still Can..It’s Not too Late
Begin Fresh and Anew

“In today’s rush, we all think too much, want too much, and forget about the joy of just being…”
Eckhart Tole
Yesterday I read an article by Terry Pottinger called “and we begin again..” You can read it here:
I was very inspired and decided to pick another two Insight Timer teachers to speak about.
Years ago, I practice T.M. (transcendental meditation). Meditation was considered rather counter-culture and offbeat then. Today it is mainstream and there are many Apps offered. Even large health companies like Kaiser Permanente offer an App called Calm. I wonder how many of you use Insight Timer?
My partner loves the meditation teacher Tony Brady on Insight Timer. To me, his voice sounds like a bit of a leprechaun but he does have some great meditations!
Tony is from Dublin, Ireland. His teachings focus on exploring and navigating a mindful path. He also focuses on gratitude, forgiveness, beginning anew and keeping a positive mindset.
The subject of the meditation I listened to today was “If you had your life to live over what would you do?” What would you change? I believe most of us would choose one or two different forks on the road.
Here is the meditation on Insight Timer:
Here are a few of my thoughts….
- Live life in the present. The past mistakes are behind you and reliving them day to day will rob you of your moments.
- I would still plan for the future but worry less about things that haven’t happened..
- I would let go of the useless emotion of jealousy as each one of us has our own specific gifts to share.
- I would be less critical of others..whether it’s in how they dress or the words they speak.
- I would be less stubborn and listen more to new ideas.
- I would forgive others and myself more easily and embrace my imperfections.
- I would be more grateful early on in my life.
- I would disregard the “shoulds” that permeate my brain and live life as joyfully as possible.
Another teacher we frequently listen to is Hugh Bryne. Hugh is a teacher with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC. He has practiced for thirty years and taught mindfulness meditation since the year 2000. He also teaches mindfulness-based stress reduction and other modalities. Human rights and social justice also are passions. He has a law degree from London U. and a political science degree from UCLA.
I’d like to share one of Hugh’s short meditations on self-compassion and kindness:
In conclusion…
How about you? What changes would you make? I would like to reach out and give a prompt to a few writers with whom I have the utmost respect. Please tag me so that I may read your answers.
Yana Bostongirl Jessica Levine Philip Temple Liberty Forrest, Sahil Patel Dr. Gabriella Korosi Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀 Sally Prag Michele Maize Margi Leininger Benighted Cheri Elkin John Whye