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You Haven’t Been Boosted

Come sit with me and we can be un-boosted together

Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash

It’s okay, we can play together, and reward one another with a smile.

You haven’t been boosted either? It will be fine, because we don't have to be boosted to be a wonderful writer! We can share all of our life experiences, and be kind to others. If we never see the golden award for story of the month, then we haven’t failed.

If we haven’t been nominated as a top writer in a certain genre, or considered cream of the crop as some folks say. I still think you’re a great writer! If we are putting other people down, and not appreciating their time and effort, who are we as a person?

Who are we to decide someone’s writing has no value or they are wrong in the way they wrote it? If we decide we are the grammar police, or they didn’t write it our way that suits our opinion! Does that mean they aren’t a good writer? No, I believe that makes us an A**H***. I bleeped the word out, just in case your sensitive to the truth.

I wonder if our about section on medium should say, I am an A**h***? I am the judge, jury, and decider of your fate as a writer! I decided you can’t write, and you are not as intelligent as me. I am going to play editor of your story, and decide that your comma is misplaced! In fact you should have never came here to write, because you aren’t a valuable member to my worthy writers.

Did I offend you? Did I decide that you aren’t cream of the crop as a person? If I did, then you may need to think about, who you are as a person and mentor. I believe in love and kindness goes along way. I believe in people writing their dreams, and sharing their soul. A completely unedited version of their selves.

This is what makes a great writer to me. The more human we are, and realizing we aren’t perfect the better. If we are living to inspire another person, then we have went to the top of the list. You, my friend are cream of the crop! You are worthy! You are a great inspiration to the world! You are a great writer, and I want to read your poems and stories!

I want you to always say, “I did it any way and it was good for my soul,” and I will always support you on your journey. I will always be your fan, and cheerleader. I want people to live their dream’s and dream to live! When you write from your heart I love to read it.

I believe in letting people be, who they are meant to be and watching them grow as a friend and writer. Who are we to sit in judgement, and decide for them. If we can’t be kind to another, maybe we need to be quiet!

Maybe we need to inspect our own self, and see where we are as a person. Some people say, I am just being honest! It isn’t my fault they didn’t like the truth. I say, You sir or madame, are just being an ugly person. Grow up and be nice to others.

— You never know where or when some life changing event will take place in your life, and you may need that very kindness yourself!

— Oh, by the way! This article will probably never be boosted , or considered the best on this site. I hope you still come and sit with me. I love your writing and I appreciate you sharing it with me.

If you wish to not be tagged. Please just let me know.

Randy Pulley, Bruce Coulter, Susan Christiana, Brenda Arledge, Adrian CDTPPW, Adrienne Beaumont, Johnny Poitras, Lisa Guard 😵‍💫, Jenny Gargarello, Lynn L. Alexander, Dave Gottlieb, barry robinson, A man leading a simple life, Alan (AJ) Autistic Widower, Karen Schwartz, Rampath 💙, N.R. Earley, Julia A. Keirns, Jonathan Crews, John Hansen,

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