avatarJulia A. Keirns


Will Winter Ever End?

Random Drabble Word Challenge 90

Today’s word is winter.

Photo of the snowy yard taken by author.

A Drabble is a short fiction story of exactly 100 words. No more. No less. Fiction is fake. But the snow in the photo above was real.

Angie wondered if winter would ever end. She was antsy to plant flowers and a garden, but the cold March winds kept blowing.

She was excited one day when the sunshine was warm and she could be outside. She laundered the bedsheets and hung them on the line. She picked up sticks in the yard.

That night she crawled into bed and smelled the fresh air on the sheets. She felt better than she had felt all winter. Tomorrow was the first official day of Spring. She was ready.

She woke up to snow.

“Will winter ever end?!” she screamed.

I want to share the following story by Denée King about planting flowers too early in March.

Short Fiction
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