

Why You Must Always Do Your Best

The Surefire Way To Free Yourself From The Prison Of Self-Judgment, Eliminate Burnout, And Learn To Accept Yourself

Photo by Tim Bogdanov on Unsplash

In life, it is easy to not accept yourself, it is easy to be hard on yourself, it is easy to blame yourself, and to judge yourself.

And while this problem is not 100% your creating it is 100% your responsibility to solve. This is a “self” created problem and can only be solved by changing your relationship to life.

It is through “always doing your best” that you will be able to solve this problem and subsequently liberate yourself from the suffering it creates.

But what does it mean to try your best?

In this article, I am going to cover what it means to “do your best”.

And how by implementing this intention into your life you will naturally become more playful, present, and joyful while simultaneously getting more done.

Learn to accept yourself and through that destroy any self-judgment, shame, and guilt.

The Book Of Law

There is a “book of law” and it is written within our belief system. This book of law was our indoctrination and domestication.

If we do something right according to this book of law, we judge ourselves worthy and reward ourselves. If we do something wrong, we judge ourselves unworthy and punish ourselves.

This is the endless self-perpetuating cycle known as “self-judgment”.

When we don’t do our best we are subject to regret, and while regret may seem innocent it is the “worst” karma you can have.

However, when we do our best we are able to free ourselves from the entrapment of “the book of law”.

Your Best Is Going To Vary

The truth is some days your best will be great, other days your best will be average, and sometimes your best will just be downright terrible.

Your best is not determined by any law or label, it is not determined by others’ opinions or any external force. Your best is determined by you.

Your best is your intention, your best is governed by your own self-awareness, and your best is that deep inner knowing that you have done your fucking best.

And it is through this deep knowing that you are able to set yourself free. Because you simply cannot judge yourself if you know you have done your best.

The only thing that you can do is accept yourself and it is through this self-acceptance that you develop self-love.

Doing Your Best Will Eliminate Burnout

On the path to success burnout is a huge issue, but what is the cause of burnout?

Simply put, burnout is a product of doing something that we are not fully capable of doing for a prolonged period of time.

It is a product of being outcome-dependent, tying your happiness to the completion of some external reward.

Naturally, if you tie your happiness to the completion of some external reward you are going to create pain and suffering.

And the release from your pain and suffering will be directly tied to the completion of said goal.

It is through this pain and suffering that you will push yourself to burnout because the pain is immense and you feel you must relieve yourself in any way possible

And although this method may work, it is the most inefficient way.

The natural order of things is Being, Doing, Having

When we do something with the simple intention of doing our best we free ourselves from being outcome dependent. We can still set goals and have ambitions but the framework becomes different.

When you are able to do something with the sole intention of doing your best you are able to tie your happiness to a different source.

It is through knowing that you have done your best that your happiness and satisfaction have been created. The completion of the goal will be like a cherry on top.

Through doing your best you will naturally become more present as well.

Because to do your best you have to be present, you have to be fully involved in every single aspect of the process, big and small.

Naturally, this will also speed up the completion of the project as well as improve the quality.

When you are outcome dependent there is no way that you are going to do your best. Your happiness is tied to the completion of the project and it is through this that you will unconsciously cut corners and push yourself to burnout.

But when you are solely focused on doing your best you will become pleasant. You will become aligned with the natural pace and the natural order of things and through this be fully involved in the process.

“The best way to say “thank you to god” is to live in the present and let go of the past. “ — The Four Agreements

To Conclude:

To do your best is to free yourself from the self-created prison of self-judgment.

By doing our best we open ourselves up to self-acceptance and through that self-love.

An add-on bonus is we naturally become more joyful, more productive, and more present.

It may take time but by doing your best you will free yourself from all the burdens that are “self-created”.

Self Improvement
Personal Development
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Personal Growth
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