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Who would you rather serenade, your girlfriend

A man with his horse. Photo by Senya Mitin on Unsplash

or your horse?

In an attempt to find something to write about I have been going over some of my previous posts.

I stumbled across a fairly recent post about how pirate radio broke the BBC’s monopoly on broadcasting popular music.

In this post I was critical of an early radio request show, Children’s Favourites. In this post I commented that the presenter of this programme “Uncle Mac” had said on air that he would not play any kind of skiffle or rock on his show.

He was obviously worried about the effect that such degenerate music would have on the young and impressionable minds of the British children. I also related that you could hear endless playing’s of the Runaway train, and the Laughing Policeman and a song called Nelly the Elephant.

However, there was another Favorite that Uncle Mac played on a regular basis.

It was Roy Rogers singing “A Four-Legged Friend.”

This was a song sung by Roy to his horse trigger. But I assume any cowboy had this slightly worrying affection for his horse.

But it is one of the verses that Uncle Mac had obviously not bothered to listen too properly.

I am not going to show the lyrics as I do not want to be accused of plagiarism. 😁

But the verse tells us that a woman could hurt like a cactus could. It also goes on to let us know she is flirt, a gold digger and will put you into an early grave.

Now how misogynist is that?

Is that the view of women that should be inflicted on young and impressionable boys?

How many boys have grown up with this twisted view of the fairer sex and fell in love with their horse?

Luckily, I grew up in a third-floor council flat in East London., and the chances of me owning a horse were zilch, nada, so I never grew up loving a horse.

However, there was a man who lived two floors below us who did own a horse.

His trade was a rag and bone man, a collector of junk, a real-life Steptoe. He would tour the streets of London collecting junk (we would now call it recycling) with his horse and cart.

I have no idea where this animal was stabled, but it was often seen parked outside the flats during the day.

As this gent had a healthy family life, with several children, I guess the relationship with his horse was strictly a business one.

There is also no record of him ever singing to the old nag (and I am talking about his horse. 😂)

Thanks for reading.

More from me.

How piracy helped break the BBCs monopoly

The day my wife went to prison.

Yesterday we met two new friends.

Where was the Beacon?

They wanted to arrest me in Kansas City.

Singing Cowboy
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