avatarMarkus Scorelius


Who am I? Good question.

Let me see if I can find someone to answer that for you.

Photo by author.

In 2 years I have written 500 posts on Medium.

They have an average 6–7 minute read. My longest post was a 34-minute read. Well over 3,000 single-spaced type-written pages in Microsoft Word. I still manage to spend more time reading than the time I spend writing.

I work full-time in clinical research and I attend school full time in a master’s degree program in clinical research management. I find the time to read and write by being an introverted single male with no kids. I also sleep a maximum of 6 hours a night. I type about 90 words a minute.

I was asked about 9 months ago to write my biography. That, apparently, is my kryptonite. This is my third attempt. My first two attempts sounded insincere and very much like me putting on a (bad) performance acting like me instead of being me.

I tried to plagiarize my biography, but that didn’t work out very well.

I’m just now taking a look at Dr Mehmet Yildiz’s biography which he just wrote this month. I’m going to quote him in my own biography since the sentiment applies to me as well: “This is the hardest story for me to write.”

I once wrote a three-page expose’ on the letter “A” once just to show myself that I could write about anything. From my experience biographies must rank up there in writing difficulty with obituaries and mathematical theorems.

I would share with you facts about my past, but the answers to many security questions are buried there. I don’t want you hacking into my accounts and making my car payment for me. Where did you go to high school? What street were you raised on? What’s your favorite movie? What was your first car? What’s the name of your first girlfriend? Your first pet? Our modern age is making life complicated in ways we haven’t imagined yet.

I could rehash the melodrama of my life, but that’s covered in many of my stories.

Besides, I don’t feel like defining myself based on depressing stories of my life from birth up through last week. I could tell you about my great new job, but I feel like keeping it.

I feel comfortable telling you the topics I write about, although lately that seems to be Donald Trump. That’s nearly over now and I should return to writing about narcissism (sans Trump), insights into the wacky world of corporate America, the cutting edge of metaphysical fringe sciences, dreams, the lack of justice and prevalence of inequality in America, the imminent collapse of the United States and what is causing it, and controversial perspectives on religion and spirituality.

I was an avid listen to Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM for 20 years. My writing is influenced with a sensationalist bend, often blending elements of fact with elements of fiction covering many of the same topics as that show.

I occasionally write about Myers-Briggs’ Personality Types (MBTI).

I am likely an INFJ, the same personality type of Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, and Jesus Christ with Adolph Hitler representing what happens when an INFJ turns to the dark side.

I spent the last 30 years of my life believing I was mostly an INTP. I’ve come to believe that I reverted to a protective TP in response to an emotionally tumultuous childhood.

I still fluctuate between the two, my TP flips together with my FJ. I have the FJ sense of righteousness that other INFJs are notorious for, and I possess the ability to flip it off when using my TP analytic scientific brain. My cognitive function stack is closer to an INFJ than an INTP.

I also show some signs of ENTP, INTJ, and INFP to complete the full-set of intuitive introverts with a dash of ambivert ENTP. My ENTP lawyer comes out when I’m arguing my case. I scored a 173 on the LSAT one night after drinking a few beers putting me in the 99th percentile.

I never studied for the LSAT. Yes, there are some jealous people who want to beat the shit out of me for that. Usually they just undermine my real life through underhanded subterfuge. Most accurately I should just say INxx to indicate that my T/F and J/P are both borderline 50–50.

I get the feeling that writing for Medium and making remarks debating on Facebook could have cost me more than one job proving that free speech in America isn’t free. Advocating for sanity and improving people’s lives aren’t very welcome or popular topics at this moment in this era.

Writing from the perspective of an intuitive introvert also guarantees that I will be misunderstood and misinterpreted.

INTP writers include Robert Heinlein, Thomas Aquinas, Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin and Carl Jung. INFJ writers include J.K. Rowling, Leo Tolstoy, Plato and Carl Jung.

You’ll notice that I include Carl Jung as both an INTP and INFJ. His personality type is a hot debate topic in MBTI circles with one faction of MBTI devotees falling into the INTP camp and the other believing he is INFJ. I seem to share a very similar personality with him.

Having opinions about topics that have been deemed “unsolvable” and discussing solutions to those problems which have been ignored or shunned by the political class for decades seems to be interpreted as insanity in what seems to me to be turning into one of the most punitive and oppressive countries over the last couple of decades.

It’s lines that those in the last three paragraphs that have earned me a loyal following of about 10 readers, a stark reminder that Americans reward rehashing self-help topics, technology, and writing about writing over insightful works of substance offering unique perspectives on current issues. Either that or my lack of commitment to marketing my own writing. Probably both.

Welcome to my diary, a free flow stream of consciousness thinking out loud.

As I mentioned above, writing is my hobby. What your reading on my Medium page is more like a diary left out on accident than an attempt to earn a living through writing. I also unknowingly and repeatedly violated the rules of writing for Medium in my first few months, putting me in what seems like eternal curation jail.

I had earned the ire of the Medium staff putting my work on the bottom of the promotion list in the already obscure topics I usually write about, no matter which problems I provide (unacceptable) solutions for. When looked at that way, I should be shocked that anything I write reaches 10 people. So, thank you to the fellow Medium members of jaded intellectuals and our use of obscure references who write on a different plane than many of our readers.

As my financial and social life hopefully stabilize, my writing should revert to happier topics I am also venturing more into pure fiction and science fiction. In the best of all worlds, my sense of humor will come back too as life generally and my life specifically returns to something which more closely resembles normal than the past two years have been.

That’s the short version. For a deeper dive take a look at some of my stories:

Here’s a link to a science fiction story I’m working on very part-time. It currently has three parts:

Here’s a link to my most popular story since removing my first 300 stories from Medium this summer. People seem to gravitate towards my no B.S. 100% factual autobiographical recounting of actual life events, the very same events that I try to put from my mind as I am attempting to recover from them:

My most widely read election year rant:

And lastly, an example of why my work doesn’t resonate well with a contemporary American audience:

Thanks for your attention and a special thanks for those who recognize what I’ve been trying to do for the last couple years and the vital necessity of attempting to covertly educate those who are adverse to learning.

I understand much better now the angst and agony that comes with writing more for the benefit of future historians (if any) instead of adjusting my writing attempting for to connect with a larger, more contemporary American audience.

This looks to me about as close as I’m going to get to a proper biography. I hope you enjoy, or more realistically get some inspiration from my work.

This Happened To Me
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