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When Life Gives You Lemons, Smile

Because it makes your face glow — DEP’s prompt #2

Courtesy: Rooted Colors on Nappy

See miracles in life every day: SMILE ~ Author Unknown

I’m an expressive person — I love to hug, dance, sing and recite poetry.

For me, a day without laughter feels so very heavy. It goes the same for a smile.

I’ll be the first to admit, there are moments when I’m stressed and my mind is occupied with less-than-rosy thoughts. During those times, I’m less inclined to smile.

But, recently I decided to try something different.

When I’m feeling in a funk (as I’ve been these past few days), instead of replaying the same tape in my head — the one filled with negative thoughts — I smile.

Sound cheesy? At first, it seemed so. Then I got to thinking:

Lola, you’ve got to find a way out…What’s one of your favorite past-times?

The answer was simple: laughing, being silly, smiling (even if for no reason other than because I feel like it).

And so that brought me to another reason — because I woke up today!

I could write a book about the countless times I’ve seen someone smile or another soul put a smile on my face. I could write a thousand poems about the beauty of seeing the smile of a complete stranger. I would very likely never run out of words.

For now, I’ll keep it short. To feel the warmth of my own smile is to be reminded of the joy in my soul. To witness the smile of a child is to carry a renewed faith in the humanity of the world. To capture a glimpse of a stranger’s smile is to know we are all connected.

Special shout-out to Dr. Preeti Singh for her inspiring piece and much gratitude for her efforts at building a kinder world.

Also in gratitude to the crew at Dancing Elephants Press, Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Sharing Randomly. You folks are part of the reason why I enjoy being on Medium. I appreciate each of you. 💛

Mental Health
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