avatarMario Da Silva


The author outlines their plans for the next two months, focusing on increased engagement, daily writing goals, experimental content creation, and maintaining an authentic writing style.


The author reflects on their past writing experiences, acknowledging mistakes and successes, and sets ambitious goals for the upcoming months. They plan to engage more deeply with the community by reading and interacting with at least 10 articles daily, aiming to build connections and avoid the pitfalls of isolation. Writing is a central focus, with a commitment to produce 1000 words per day and publish at least five days a week, pushing their creative limits. The author also intends to experiment with different writing techniques and styles, drawing inspiration from the Medium community, to enhance their storytelling and reader engagement. Authenticity remains a priority, as they strive to infuse their unique personality and humor into their work, while also challenging themselves to produce original content that resonates with their audience.


  • The author views engagement as a lifeline in the writing community, essential for growth and avoiding negative attention.
  • They believe in the importance of consistency in writing, seeing it as a way to maintain momentum and improve their craft.
  • Experimentation with content is seen as a positive approach to finding one's voice and keeping the writing process exciting.
  • Authenticity in style is crucial; the author is determined to be genuine and humorous, even if it means sometimes missing the mark.
  • The author is open to learning from the community and adapting their strategies to better connect with readers.
  • They acknowledge the challenges ahead but are optimistic about their ability to survive and thrive in the online writing space.
  • The author encourages others to share their plans and learn from each other, fostering a collaborative environment.

Insert Kicker here. Hashtags are not allowed.

What Will Make Me Tick On The Next Two Months

It’s time to pick my brains out. My wicked plans moving forward.

Not much is happening on that little brain of mine. Image from Freepik.

This last two months of writing I managed to spill a lot of ink. Let’s call it digital ink ok?!

I screwed up, I continue to screw up, but that’s my nature…a flat head.

You read about my brilliant lessons and my dumbest mistakes. Yet you never heard about my wicked plans.

It’s time to change that. For that, I’m going to use permanent ink. Muahaha! I’m so screwed!

Engage like your life depends on it.

I used to be an ostrich. Buried my head on the ground waiting for someone to look at me.

Shouldn’t you be the other way around and stick your head out? Nope, you picked the wrong flightless birds, my friend.

I understood how the game works thanks to the countless stories from my fellow followers.

Your lifeline is your engagement with your fellow members of this kingdom. A pack of starving hyenas will chase you if you try to wander alone.

Either they laugh at you, or feast on your beautiful corpse…I mean account.

I’m proud of my beautiful corpse, I mean account, and that’s not going to happen. This is what’s going to happen:

  • Engage daily, reading more than 10 articles/day. I can hear the hyenas laughing…gosh.
  • Interact with ones I met and add more along the way. Feel free to throw your name or recommend anyone. Yeah, don’t mind those hyenas there, they’re hungry.
  • Gift 50 claps, highlight, and comment on every story. That’s how I roll! Hmm…better not so close to the hyenas…

Love or hate them, hyenas are getting the last laugh — National Geographic.

Not quite the hyenas I promised, but you will enjoy more these cute little ones. Image from Freepik.

Throw up words daily.

I don’t have a digestive problem with words. Urgh, but I need to let them out.

Words make sentences, sentences make paragraphs, and paragraphs make stories.

You have to feed words to make those stories. It was only when I pulled my finger out and started to write more, things started to happen. But it wasn’t enough…I felt something else needed to happen.

I pull the other finger out from my other hand to get more stories out. Having my hands free, this is what’s going to happen:

  • Write 1000 words per day — The idea is to keep the momentum I have right now. Keep throwing up those words.
  • Publish a least 5 days/week.
  • Push to do more of both daily even if my fingers catch fire.

If I survive the typing frenzy, I’ll chuck a newsletter or two in the middle.

Experimental gambling.

I got addicted to gam…es. Phew! Dogged that one. I meant experimentation! It’s my nature, I like tinkering with stuff and picking my brains.

I’m not gambling with my writing. I sure will mix, stir, and decant all sorts of solutions to come up with all sorts of mutations or incantations.

Experimentation is my middle name. I continue to find ways to experiment with Medium and tell you peeps about it.

In the past, I have:

  • Tampered with funny images, that will capture the reader’s attention. Or so I hoped.
  • Tinkered with headlines that cross the border of clickbait. Yeah, it does sound clickbaity…
  • Mixed more images, edited images, random images, you name it. Sounds desperate to me.
  • Throw my personality in. I’m quite a goofy one. Meh, some days I can be a bit serious.

I will resort to all the tricks and hacks that I can learn through the Mediumverse. Wish me luck. Boosts nominations, tags, and throwing anything else to the wall would be my targets.

Heh, I have to do something to keep me busy writing, right?

Send help!… Image from Freepik.

Styling roulette creation.

Pick a number, and a color, and spin the wheel. Wrong, gambling is wrong.

And you shouldn’t gamble with your style. You end up as a con artist if you don’t sound authentic.

I did end up hurling a bit of personality in my articles.

I sound like tossing anti-jokes pretending to be dad jokes. I want to be funny but you will only hear ba-dum-tss. Where’s da joke!?

I won’t change, take it or leave it. I promise to be funnier — Hahaha, that was a good one! — and more original than I have ever been. That comes with confidence in writing.

What comes next then, you ask. Ok, you didn’t but I tell you anyway!

  • Pick my content buckets. What I will write more about. It’s time to throw the reel and see what I can catch.
  • Wear a hat or several hats. It takes time to come up with all these ‘jokes’ but I love it. I’m willing to make an effort and come as an academic nerd once in a while. I know, I know. I promise no jargon. And you shouldn’t too!
  • Be original. The best writers I admire here are original. Their unique writing fires up the few neurons remaining in my brain. I want to be like them.

I’m done and the ink is about to dry up. You can look back at this story and point me the finger! Yes, I will allow it.

If I ever survive this online writing thing, I need to challenge myself every day. There’s no other way.

What about you? Are you ready to avoid those hyenas? Come on! Don’t be shy and shout about your plans here. I’d love to hear them.

If you want to know what my monkey brain has learned, check out this piece right here:

Thank you for reading, if you like what you’re reading don’t forget to follow and subscribe to read more of my writing.

I’ll see you in the next one.

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