avatarCaryn Leach-Smith


We’re Living in a Giant Hamster Wheel & I’ve Got Proof

Photo by Silje Roseneng on Unsplash

Forget living in the Matrix we’re living in a giant hamster wheel and I have almost solid proof.

Okay, so you are probably wondering how I know we are living in a giant hamster wheel. It’s a fair question, so let me share my reasoning with you. I realise this may all sound a little far-fetched, but I am sure it is true. And, what’s more, I think I can prove it.

By the time I have finished explaining this theory, you will be a believer! You will no longer consider the flat earth theory as viable, because this is much better.

A Man With Ambition

Recently, I came across a fascinating bit of history relating to Marcus Tullius Cicero. A very solid guy and Roman of great note. He was a very clever chap to boot.

Like many clever Romans Marcus started his career as a lawyer, a pretty good one at that but, it wasn’t his dream job. He had itchy feet and wanted to do better.

Marcus had aspirations. Great aspirations. He wanted to get into the senate. A sexy position where you could make a lot of money and a huge difference. But mostly you could make money and tell people what to do. You might want to note how similar this is to modern day politics!

It was not an easy task to get into politics. He was a ‘nobody’ and his family had no connection to politics. Nevertheless, he managed to charm his way into the senate as a novus homo or new man (a nobody who they liked).

The Murder

All was going well until 44BCE. It’s at this point he got a front row ticket to the brutal murder of Julius Caesar. It started off as a normal day in politics but ended with a blood bath. He watched as a group of his fellow senators lured Julius into a harmless conversation and then brutally stabbed him. Each member of the group took a dagger and plunged it into Caesar.

A very cunning plan because in this way it could never be determined who delivered the fatal blow. It also gave each of the killers instant access to the “Murderer club”. Benefits included lifelong access, fellow assassins as friends and a lifetime wondering if you would be bumped off next.

Marcus was so disturbed by the horrific event that he rushed home to write a book on moral guidance for his son. It had a very catchy little title De Officiis which translates to On Duties.

In it he wrote some really riveting stuff and several vital rules, but today, for the purpose of proving we are living in a giant hamster wheel repeating the same things over and over, I am going to focus on 2 quotes:

‘The brave and steady soul is not disturbed by difficult circumstances, or forced from his place, as saying goes. He relies on his ready wits and does not veer from a rational plan of action.”

“The brave soul shows courage and disregards externals, the brave soul will undertake great and useful projects, understanding the risks and difficulty involved.”

Solid Advice

Marcus was an eloquent chap and there is no doubt that he delivered very solid advice. In modern day language we can translate his advice into:

1. Have a big dream.

2. Make a plan.

3. Stick to your plan no matter what.

4. Do not get distracted by outside events or shiny objects. Distractions can be anything from scrolling on the internet to losing your job.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t his advice exactly what every self-help guru tells us to do?

So there you have it. Absolute proof of theory.

An ancient message repeated in modern language proving conclusively that nothing has really changed. Therefore, we must be living in a giant hamster wheel that goes round and round and round. Same shit, different day.

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