

The article recounts a near-fatal car accident that was avoided due to a declined wedding invitation, emphasizing the importance of rear seat safety belts and providing advice on how to handle car accidents and drive safely.


The author, Fariha, shares a personal connection to a tragic car accident that occurred after a wedding in Hyderabad. The incident, which resulted in one death and severe injuries, highlights the critical role of seat belts, especially in rear seats, as the older cars in Pakistan often lack them. The article offers guidance on reacting to car accidents, including staying calm, calling emergency services, and seeking help from other drivers. It also provides driving tips to prevent accidents, such as avoiding distractions, maintaining documents, taking safety measures, and avoiding over-speeding and tailgating. Fariha advocates for driver and passenger awareness and counselling, and stresses the importance of valuing everyone's safety on the road, including pedestrians. The author, an engineer and car enthusiast, invites readers to support her writing and connect on LinkedIn and Twitter, and also recommends an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus.


  • The author believes that the lack of rear seat belts in older cars is a significant safety oversight that can lead to severe injuries or fatalities in car accidents.
  • Fariha suggests that driver and passenger awareness, including counseling sessions, could greatly enhance road safety.
  • The article conveys the opinion that even minor car accidents can be highly stressful and that it's crucial to stay calm and take specific steps to ensure safety.
  • The author's father is quoted, implying the belief that controlled driving is a skill superior to fast driving.
  • Fariha emphasizes the humanitarian aspect of road safety, urging drivers to consider the impact of their actions on the lives of others involved in an accident.
  • The recommendation of ZAI.chat indicates the author's endorsement of this AI service as a valuable and economical tool for readers interested in AI technology.

We Just Escaped a Life-Threatening Car Crash

We declined the invitation to death.

Photo by Conor Samuel on Unsplash

We got an invitation to a wedding last year in Hyderabad, a city away from Karachi.

As my husband was having a duty that day, we declined that invitation.

Later, when the wedding was over, all the friends were returning back to Karachi. They were struck by a truck on the highway.

It was the deadliest car accident I’ve ever heard of.

One passenger died, and the other got into a severe spinal cord injury which affected his mobility.

Yes, Mr. K was bedbound.

To my surprise, both passengers who got affected were sitting in the rear seats. However, the front passengers were safe.

It’s not that they were completely scratch-free. But their injuries were not that serious.

It was awkward!

Later, when ‘K’ talked about that fatal car accident, he talked about the car condition, speed, and sitting positions.

Everything sounded normal, but it was evident that the only reason for this serious car crash was that both of the back seat passengers were not wearing seat belts.

Do you know why?

Because our older cars didn’t use to install seat belts in the rear seats.

It’s horrifying how the smallest yet the most significant part of car safety can affect your lives.

From my point of view, there should be a whole counseling session for driver and passenger awareness.

For which I’ve tried my best below to contribute to your safety.

How to react in case you have a car accident?

I understand that car crashes are traumatic!

Even if you meet a tiny car accident that just gives your car a little bump on the outside, still it shoots your stress level to the roofs.

But try to regain your senses as earliest as you can.

Consider taking these 3 simple steps for your and the victim’s safety.

· First and foremost, stay calm. Your panic will further worsen the situation.

· Call 9/11.

· Talk to other drivers for help. It can be either pushing your vehicle to clear the route or taking you or the victim to the nearby hospital.

Driving tips for an accident-proof trip

My dad always says this

“Fast driving is not an art, but controlled-driving is.”

So, don’t test your skills while trusting other’s lives.

Instead, consider these 5 tips to have a safe driving experience:

1. Put your biggest distraction on silent mode (i.e. mobile phone).

2. Keep your documents ready in case you meet a car crash.

3. Take all the safety measures.

4. Avoid over-speeding.

5. Don’t tailgate.

Read this if you are a beginner-level driver:

Read this if your kids distract you while you are driving:

Value your and others' safety

Be humane and treat others kindly.

Remember, pedestrians deserve equal safety as passengers. In case you meet a car accident, don’t be a hit-and-run person.

Be a life savior instead.

Consider that the victim is also family to his kids, parents, or spouse. Your one act could potentially affect the lives of all.


Be kind. Be kind. Be kind.

Support my writing

Hi there!

I’m Fariha, an Engineer by education and a car enthusiast by passion.

I love to craft engaging blogs and transform jargon into entertaining stories that hook the reader.

So, if you are tech-savvy and a car fanatic like me, support my writing, as it will motivate me to generate more content like this.

Meanwhile, you can read more of my stories here:

Let’s connect on Linkedin and Twitter.

Car Accidents
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