

The article provides five screen-free activities to keep toddlers occupied during road trips.


The author, Fariha, shares her personal experience of keeping her two toddlers engaged during a 10-hour road trip without resorting to screen time. She suggests five activities: providing snacks like chips, candies, and sticky gummies; playing with dinosaur toys and dinkies; using doodle tablets for drawing and guessing games; solving puzzles with wooden blocks; and engaging in sticker book activities themed around children's favorite movies. Fariha emphasizes the importance of letting children enjoy themselves freely and offers practical tips for parents to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable journey for the whole family.


  • The author believes in allowing children to enjoy messy snacks like chocolate bars during road trips for the sake of peace and enjoyment, despite the potential clean-up hassle.
  • She expresses a personal preference for screen-free entertainment, opting for doodle tablets over other electronic devices.
  • Fariha suggests that puzzles are a safe bet for keeping children engaged and recommends wooden blocks for younger children due to their simplicity and space efficiency.
  • She shares her enthusiasm for cars and technology, indicating her passion for crafting engaging content for like-minded readers.
  • The author encourages parents not to shy away from road trips due to concerns about keeping children occupied, offering her activities as effective solutions.

5 Helpful Tips to Keep Your Toddlers Occupied On a Road Trip

5 screen-free activities for keeping your kids engaged.

Photo by Danila Hamsterman on Unsplash

We can’t afford to go on air trips all the time, and I perfectly get this!

(After all, who’s going to pay the airfares?) Ah.

Recently, my husband asked me for a 3-day road trip to a nearby coastal area, and I was excited at the beginning but panicked a little as I would be having two toddlers along my side.

Still, I didn’t say NO because I’m a heck of a vacation freak and can’t afford losing an offer like:

3 days 3 beaches!

Oh yes, me and my family are water babies.

And guess what, we reached our hotel after a 10-hour drive fully SANE!!!


This is how you can also keep your toddlers engaged all the time so they don’t throw their puffy eyes at you.

1. Distract them with snacks

This is an all-time gold offer!

Keep a big crunchy bag of chips, a pool of candies, and yes, not to forget, keep those sticky gummies.

Do you even know why those gummies should be sticky?

Because kids forget cranking when those gummies stick on their gums.

Moreover, chocolate bars.

Seriously! Hide your inner-hygienic mother soul in a cupboard during a road trip and let children have their time.

I know chocolate bars create a lot of mess with tough stains, but let the kids enjoy them as free-spirited souls.

I’m sure there are many options like ‘vanish’, which you can apply later to serve your clean car goals.

2. Let them roar with dinosaurs!

If you have read my previous blogs, you would have a better idea of my kids’ love for dinosaurs.

So, I kept several small-sized dinosaurs.

They managed to drag at least half an hour playing with those little monsters!

You can keep anything your child likes.

I also kept some of the dinkies.

(Actually, I also love to play with dinkies at times.)

You can try other things like dolls or those bead sets if your girls love to make ponies or dress up their dollies.

3. Engage them in Doodle tabs

I don’t like my children to share screens most of the time.

So, I have already bought two doodle tablets, one for each of my brats.

Doodle tabs are fun; you can draw anything with the stylus without the hassle of keeping a duster for erasing.

I played the guessing game with them by drawing things and let them guess the theme.

You can try a beach theme or a park theme.

You can even play ‘name, place, animal, thing’ or crosswords.

4. Keep them confused in Puzzles

Puzzles are one of the safest hacks to keep your children engaged.

But don’t forget to keep a solid board for joining pieces.

What I did was I bought puzzle wooden blocks. They were just nine blocks, but they made a total of 6 pictures.

Overall, it didn’t require much space to keep and helped children make 9 different objects.

If your children are over 5 years old, you can simply keep the puzzle pieces to join.

5. Let them sticky!

One more fabulous activity that can keep your children busy for hours is a sticker book activity.

There are multiple 1000-sticker books available on kid’s favorite animated movies.

I went with ‘Finding Nemo’ this time.

My son has gone through the movie, so he loved the overall theme of completing the story with the help of stickers.

It is an easy activity that a toddler under 2 years would even enjoy.

Closing Thoughts

Road trips are fun.

They let you spend some quality time with your family.

So, don't just say no to a coming road trip in fear of a rumbling attitude from your kid.

Instead, try these above activities to make complete use of it.

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Hi there!

I’m Fariha, an Engineer by education and a car enthusiast by passion.

I love to craft engaging blogs and transform jargon into entertaining stories that hook the reader.

So, if you are a tech-savvy and a car fanatic like me, support my writing as it will motivate me to generate more content like this.


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