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The article discusses the often-unnoticed signs of sadness and internal struggle, despite outward appearances of happiness, emphasizing the impact of social media on personal fulfillment, the misuse of knowledge leading to arrogance, and the importance of humility and letting go of control to alleviate emotional burdens.


The author reflects on a tragic incident where a teenager's apparent joy masked deep internal pain, leading to suicide. This serves as a stark reminder that surface-level perceptions can be misleading in the digital age, where social media often presents a curated, unrealistic portrayal of life. The article cautions against the dangers of comparing oneself to others online, which can lead to dissatisfaction and a distorted sense of purpose. It also critiques the arrogance that can stem from knowledge, particularly in the corporate world, advocating for humility and surrender of rights as a path to love and transformation. The piece concludes with a call to relinquish control over one's thoughts and circumstances to a higher power, suggesting that this surrender can reduce life's burdens.


  • The author believes that the true emotions of individuals, such as sadness, are often concealed behind smiles and social media posts, making it difficult to identify those who are genuinely struggling.
  • Social media is seen as a double-edged sword; while it connects people across the globe, it can also foster unrealistic expectations and a lack of gratitude for one's current situation if not used with discernment.
  • The pursuit of likes, expensive vacations, and unnecessary luxuries to impress others is viewed as a poisonous endeavor that detracts from personal fulfillment and contentment.
  • Knowledge should lead to humility rather than arrogance; the author criticizes those who use their position or intellect to belittle others, suggesting that this behavior is a source of depression and discontentment in society.
  • The article suggests that humans often leave room for negative thoughts and actions, akin to giving the devil control, and proposes that letting go and obeying a higher power can alleviate life's hardships.
  • The author encourages readers to practice gratitude, prayer, and humility to counteract the societal pressures that lead to unhappiness and to find peace by surrendering to a divine will.

Unmasking the Telltale of Sadness, You Won’t Believe How Evident They Are

The scary part is they are not noticeable

Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash

I read an online story of a teenager who had a great time partying with his friends, drinking booze, exchanging stories, and laughing.

The next day, everybody was surprised; the boys who thought they were having a great time committed suicide.

I had no idea if the cause was a broken heart through a romantic relationship, financial distress, keeping up with the world, or had an argument with family or friends.

One thing is for sure: the guy was smiling outside but deeply hurt inside.

Nowadays, it is hard to determine who is happy or struggling in the new web age.

What you see is only sometimes what you get.

The new cancer called social media

I am thankful that the world keeps shrinking because of the rise of tech and social media.

There are no barriers to seeing what is happening with people in the US, Europe, or Canada from a guy residing in Asia.

But if these channels are not used properly, you will not notice how the world’s standards can poison your definition of purpose and fulfillment.

Making an effort to gain more likes, going on vacations you cannot afford, or striving to get that sports car you do not need poisons your heart and mind not to be thankful for what you have now.

Try to recall where you were ten years ago and today. Take an inventory of the things you enjoy right now.

Give thanks, pray.

The knowledge that points to arrogance

Knowledge is powerful.

And how we use it determines fulfillment. If we do, we are successful. But for most of us who know, it leads to arrogance, just like some aging people in the corporate world.

With the title Chief or Head of Whatever attached, they tend to ignore other’s human point of view.

Actual knowledge leads us to become humble.

Do not use your head knowledge to belittle people; that is how depressed and discontented people act today.

Proper knowledge means surrendering your rights and allowing humility to take over.

Humility leads to love and transformation.

We always leave room for the devil to control our thoughts.

Adam was told not to eat the fruits from the forbidden tree. He eventually ate it and blamed Eve.

Like that car driver who cut me a few weeks ago, I mostly blame the driver for my anger, and the next thing I want to do is get back to make him realize what he has done was out of tune.

Responses to these non-essentials must be to let it pass because getting back would not bear good fruit but increased anger.

We can never comprehend why things happen or unexplainable.

And there is no way we can uncover the answers provided by our limitations.

If life hits hard, the only answer to all these things is to let God let go — and obey.

If you haven’t tried it, do it now, and I promise it will lessen your load.

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