avatarRoss Derbyshire


A 220% Increase on Medium In One Week.

The ups and downs of my first 14 days

Photo by Gilly on Unsplash

Has it really been two weeks already? I know it’s cliché but it really has flown.

For added context please consider reading this post first:

What have I learnt during my first two weeks?

The biggest takeaway from my first fourteen days is that I am 100% certain that I want to write, that I can write (badly still counts) and that I can most definitely find the time to write.

In 14 days I have published 31 articles. These have ranged from 150 to 1000 words and covered topics such as productivity and my dog. You can say its been a varied fortnight.

What did I change about my schedule and life to make this happen? Delete my social media and relegate YouTube to a last day at work treat. Need more? Okay.

What changed?

I changed the way I thought about myself. I always used to tell myself that I wanted to write. WRONG. What I should have been telling myself was, I AM A WRITER. That simple change in phrasing has been so powerful.

Anyway, Enough About Me. You’re Here For the Stats


author screenshot

I ended my first week with 118 followers. I usher in my third week with 251. Unfortunately Medium doesn’t give me a weekly breakdown so this monthly view will have to do.

Another 133 of you crazy, lovely, insane people have decided to listen to what I say. What is wrong with you all? Is this what mass hysteria looks like?

Jokes aside, I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for coming on this journey with me.


My views more than doubled from 150 and the reads almost tripled from 50. The reader retention remained steady at 44%. That is less than ideal but I do know where the issues are now. I posted a few short form pieces that I'm actually really proud of but they are very, very quick reads. When you take that into consideration alongside the “Clap and Run” culture I'm happy with this figure.

Whats next?

More of the same. I’m going to continue posting multiple times daily. I’m going to carry on commenting (a lesser known of the ‘Carry On’ films), and most importantly I’m going to carry on having fun.

I‘m not going to set goals or targets based on any of the metrics covered here. The only goal I have is to write and publish daily. If I can achieve that then I’m more than happy.

And Finally, the Money.

$7.85 jumped considerably to $25.48.

That’s chump change to some of the big dogs on Medium, but to me that’s testament to the fact that I'm on the right path. Only just starting on the path, but the right one all the same.

My Highest Earning article currently sits at $6.46 and is ironically the first in my ‘Earning Series’ linked at the top of this article.

So there it is, week two. DONE. Thank you for reading this far, if you have then please leave a clap and a comment. It really does help and lets me know i’m not just shouting into the vast, empty void.

Writing On Medium
Medium Earnings
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