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Time Rifts-24: Entangled/Entwined

[One scene of spiritual violation]

Image by Christine Sponchia from Pixabay

After the blinding flash of light — A pale orange light filled the room and obliterated separation for a few minutes.

Recap: TR23 Cris-Cross: The two Mu-s from separate dimensions pop in and out of the Arc space. They appear inside the Arc but are invisible to one another. Only instruments (and goggles) confirm the other Mu’s existence.

On the original Mu with Jac aboard, Phorae offered to build a hand-held viewer to see the other side. Jac was ready to go to the other side. Jac asks Phorae about his omission. Phorae warns he could be killed near the sphere in question, but it does have the best access.

Touzdae drinks tea with Gaza Root, a sacred root vehicle for traveling to other worlds. She is miffed with the DKr. — Malley.

When Jac’s eyes readjusted there was a semi-corporeal form at the center of the room rotating in space emitting tones and changing colors from gold, green, and red to silver, blue, and pink. It was amorphous as if it was there and not there. It moved swiftly towards Jac and engulfed his upper body.

He felt its essence, the feeling of superiority it felt over humanoids, the snobbery, the compassion, the expanded consciousness. It probed him to his depths.

Jac agrees to go with a team to the other side. They are killed and Jac survives. He is questioned by a chameleon with both a haughty and compassionate air.

The current episode continues:

He awoke his skin wet from excessive perspiration. The being was gone. The woman/man/genderless person was gone and the door was wide open.

“So this is what rape feels like,” Jac said tears streaking his face.

He arose with care and was somewhat unsteady on his feet. He felt it got more of the core of him. The strange being knew more of him than he knew himself.

Outside the door was a passageway. It led to a corridor shot full of gaping holes and a large snarling cat poised above ready to pounce. Jac stopped short and sat. He began the 27-breath process. A few minutes later the cat leapt onto the deck and nuzzled his face, licked his hands, and curled up against him.

He asked the cat to lead him back to his people.

Touzdae via the Gaza Root tea floated through a dark tunnel. The passageway widened with increased light. It was so bright when her feet touched the green grass she shut her eyes. A few moments passed as her eyes adjusted to the higher vibrational light.

I wonder if Zenzin and JimJin are here, she thought.

This is a very different place. This is the first level. the voice in her head told her. The woman’s voice sounded very familiar.

Yes, you know me. Do you remember? Again, the telepathy.

It will come to me, I need to get my bearings, Touzdae thought.

Touzdae’s vision cleared and her breathing returned to calmness. The woman was standing next to her, but she couldn’t see her face.

The woman waved her hands. The grasses parted and a spiral staircase descended into the ground.

Jac walked into Captain Tommalar’s stateroom. Tommalar rose to greet him.

Blink, he was gone, along with the stateroom.

Jac sat in the chair at the end of the swing arm in the sphere. The three members of the team surrounded him. They were alive and suspended in mid-air around the chair.

He found himself looking through the scope mounted onto the front of the chair assembly. He saw Touzdae looking at a future version of herself and at a future version of Jac. Overwhelmed with happiness and shock he smiled and fainted. Jac fell into the webbed netting below the chair.

They descended into the ground by the spiral staircase. It was about twenty feet down. The stairs were a flat gray metal as was the chamber. The woman left Touzdae.

“Stay still. There is a chair if you need to sit. Wait until the light scans finish before you sit if you need to.” The woman’s voice was everywhere, but her body was out of sight.

“Yes,” Touzdae responded.

A deep purple saturated the space for thirty seconds. Ten to fifteen seconds past of the normal illumination. A blue light came next, followed by an interlude and a green light…

“Hannah, is that you?” Touzdae asked in an interlude as she sat.

“Yes,” the voice said.

He came to consciousness in a vague obtuse fashion. His arms tangled in the webbing. The combat team was frozen in time and space. He forced his heart rate to a slower rhythm. He let his consciousness travel out beyond the location of the ship. Out beyond the hull of the enormous vessel. A rainbow streamer tethered to his body; he traveled out into space.

It was the Well of Souls. A chaotic conflict raged there. His spirit consciousness catapulted back into his body.

His body was all a-tangle in the webbing. A mosaic of realities projected above each section of the web. He looked within himself. Touzdae was with him and not with him.

Touzdae extended her arms in the bright yellow light. She was holding Jac, but his physical body was not there.

Jac and Touzdae were holding each other. Their spirits entwined and entangled one another together. Their spirits wrapped in love on some high plane.

the next chapter:

previous chapter:


Thank you for joining me in the adventures that span lifetimes and worlds. Blessings, Passion, and Grace on your journey. May whatever your looking for — find you.

[This is a fictional story. Like all fiction, elements of truth are present.]

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