This Is How Perfectionism Affected My Entrepreneurship
This is what my perfection cost me in my online journey
This story is about my hard journey of getting out of perfection which affected my entrepreneurship in many ways.
I was always a perfectionist, If you give me a task to complete, I will either complete it perfectly or leave it, but wouldn’t complete it if it’s not perfect. This thing affected me in many of my businesses or either stopped me from starting a business.
I started writing on Medium on July 2020 but wrote only 5 stories in a whole year till July 2021 and the only reason was my perfection, I used to write a story and then start thinking about its words, sentence structure, cover picture etc. I used to think that I cannot convey my message with these words or the readers wouldn’t understand my words.
I have also left many of my stories in between for so many months because that doesn’t satisfy my perfection, but now I have challenged myself to write everyday, If I publish or not I will write everyday.
Not even in writing, perfection affected me in many things. I have started freelancing, but it didn’t work because I spend my time learning things like ranking my Gig, making a perfect profile and uploading best pictures — I have also thought of making a YouTube channel and starting my POD (Print on demand) business but wasted my time learning and making things perfect.
But now, I have stopped overthinking. To be honest, you can’t finish your perfectionism completely, but you can reduce it.
What I have done to reduce my Perfection
I divided my perfection in two parts:
- Slight Perfection
- Extreme Perfection
Slight Perfection
It is perfection of those things which impacts your business, For example if you are a writer and your grammar is incorrect, then you should show perfection in that to fix it because people will not understand what you are talking about and you wouldn’t be able to convey your message. It’s good to show perfection in things like that, but don’t think too much about these too.
Extreme Perfection
It is perfection of those things which doesn’t impact your business, For example if you are a writer and you think about perfecting the cover photo of your article, perfecting the tags or thinking too much about your article like will people like it or read it. These are useless thoughts and you wouldn’t grow if you think like that instead you will always fail.
Final Thoughts
If you think too much, you are stopping yourself from doing something you want, you are not making it perfect, you are making it hard for you to start, So challenge yourself that you will never overthink about anything and make a belief that you will become more perfect with time and experience.
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