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There Are 2 Types of People In This World

Photo by Ron Lach from pexels.com

Some are selfless and others are selfish. I’m sure you have encountered both types in your lifetime. AND you are either one or the other, but you aren’t both.

The Givers

Givers are always looking out for other people’s best interests. They go out of their way to provide guidance, and support, and give their time to others. They make it their responsibility to ensure others are ok. And they do not ask for anything back because servicing someone else gives them doses of dopamine. They build a reputation and maintain connections. They provide value.

The Takers

Takers will absorb as much as they can from others and will contribute very little in efforts to fulfill their own goals and interests. They burn bridges and they take value. They have a mindset of “What can you give me?”

Why are you one of them, but not both

Some of you may disagree, but here’s why I think it’s black and white here. Whether you are a giver or taker, what remains the same is that it does not make you feel guilty. Whatever it is that you are doing. You feel comfortable about your behavior. You are also confident in your actions and do not have remorse or doubts.

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Human Behavior
Givers And Takers
Data Driven Fiction
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