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The undefined website discusses the concept of Data-Driven Fiction (DDF) as a modern approach to storytelling that integrates big data analytics to enhance the writing process and reader engagement, and it provides instructions on how to submit stories to the DDF community.


The undefined website introduces the innovative genre of Data-Driven Fiction (DDF), which merges storytelling with big data analytics to create narratives that are both imaginative and grounded in predictive insights about the future. It emphasizes the importance of understanding reality through fiction and encourages writers to embrace the unknown by using data to inform their creative process. The site also outlines a three-step submission process for writers interested in joining the DDF community: subscribing to the DDF substack, engaging with the community on Medium and Twitter, and affirming their intent to publish by commenting and clapping on the website. The website updates regularly, offering resources and guides to help writers navigate the DDF landscape and showcases the potential of AI-powered art in shaping the future of digital storytelling.


  • The website suggests that the fusion of data and fiction can lead to a deeper understanding of reality and what constitutes a good story.
  • It posits that data-driven insights can help authors avoid stagnation and write stories that resonate with the future, thus encouraging them to be brave and innovative.
  • The site conveys enthusiasm for the potential of AI and big data in transforming the creative industry, particularly in the realm of digital art and storytelling.
  • It implies that embracing data in fiction writing is not only beneficial but necessary for the evolution of the craft.
  • The website promotes community engagement and support among writers, highlighting the importance of a collective approach to exploring new narrative territories.
  • It expresses a forward-thinking mindset, viewing the future as a space for exploration and the unknown as an opportunity for growth.

September 2023

how to submit ?

Data-Driven Fiction [UPDATE November 2023]

The desk dates to 2033. The typewriter is an AI Olivetti from 2053 — Data Driven Photography by AI system

On one hand it’s a fiction, On the other hand it is not. On the left side it’s a fiction, On the right side it’s a non-fiction. What I mean today? It means that: we can’t live in peace if we don’t find out what is reality. We can’t live in peace if we don’t find out what is fiction.

AI-power for digital ART


The future can seem a little scary sometimes. It’s a place of change, uncertainty, and the unknown. And that makes it really tempting to stay where you are, avoiding change at all costs, even if that leads to stagnation or regression. But the future is also the place where amazing things happen. It’s where we can explore new things without fear of consequence (and worry about any mistakes later). Every time we take on something new, we enter into an entirely new era, whether it be taking up soccer or starting college, or entering our first relationship (or breaking up). The future is all unknown territory until you step in and pave your own path. But how can you do that when you’re so scared of what could happen? Data-Driven Fiction is here to help you break free from such fears and take a step into the future.

DDF 🟣 how to submit ?


One of the most challenging things to do is knowing what makes a good story when it comes to writing. Of course, great plots and fascinating twists and turns are all great for fiction, but any writer will tell you that sometimes these elements can emerge by themselves in unexpected ways. This is not because they aren’t well-thought-out or meticulously planned; it’s because after you’ve poured your heart into the story, it can be challenging to know if your words come out well. So how do you know if your story is anything more than a fascinating tale?

The desk dates to 2033. The typewriter is an AI Olivetti from 2053 — Data Driven Photography by AI system

Big data can help you find the answers to these questions. As big data has become more prevalent across all industry sectors, there has been an increase in predictive modeling and other forms of analytics to generate insights about the future. If you can figure out what can happen in the future, you may be able to avoid the sinking ship of stagnation and regression. The creative industry is no exception to this trend, and Data-Driven Fiction offers an excellent way for authors to apply these new forms of analytics in their own work.


Data-Driven Fiction will allow authors to employ big data in their own stories, using many novel elements. This is the future. If you are scared, then it’s time to be brave and face your fears head-on. Don’t just read stories about other people facing their fears; write your own story. The future is here. Data-Driven Fiction is written in the future, and it’s about time that you jumped into it.

The desk dates to 2033. The typewriter is an AI Olivetti from 2053 — Data Driven Photography by AI system


The concept of data can be challenging to understand, mainly when laid out in huge, unorganized piles. Yet, data is the building block of all our lives. It’s what drives forward science and technology; it’s what drives our economy; it’s what makes us human. But let’s break it down a little further while still keeping the big picture in mind. Data is anything that allows us to make judgments or predictions about something based on its content or characteristics.


Writing a story can be a challenging process. You have to worry about the plot and characters, the narrative’s flow, and how all of those elements work together. In short, writing is hard. There are many different approaches to writing, some more successful than others. But as long as you do your best to make your story as complete as possible, you’ll be sure to come up with something good eventually.

The desk dates to 2033. The typewriter is an AI Olivetti from 2053 — Data Driven Photography by AI system

To write a good story, you need time for your ideas to develop without distraction. Ideally, you want to spend as much time as possible thinking about your story without worrying about how it progresses. Data-Driven Fiction is the perfect way to allow you to take control of your story and structure your ideas without having to worry about how it all works out.


Many people today think data can be collected and analyzed by computers using formulas and logic. But we live in a world where data is used for so much more than these limited purposes. For example, Data-Driven Fiction is about using data to write a novel. This is because data can be used for more than making calculations and analyzing information. Data can be used to explore ideas instead of just studying the results.

When looking for ideas for your story, you can use big data to look at options. For example, if you’re looking for topics discussed by other people on social media, then go ahead and look at what they are saying about those topics.

How to submit?

🟣 To become a writer in the DDF community, simply complete these three steps:

  1. Stay updated by subscribing to the DDF substack.
  2. Engage with the community by following Evartology on Medium and Twitter
  3. Please remark and clap below to affirm your publishing willingness.

Are You a new Writer on Medium? please note this link: 🔳 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/evartology This way, I can promote YOUR story to everyone

[UPDATE September 2023]

Once you complete your submission, we will contact you to publish your article. Our members publish immediately upon submission.

Because our editorial team is small and people live in different time zones, adding authors to the list of writers can take up to a few hours. The Members will be added as soon as possible.


please tag your story with “Data Driven Fiction”

Data-Driven Fiction is the future. It’s about time that you jumped into it.


Data Driven Fiction is everywhere 🟣 But the question is, how much do you love it?

Data Driven Fiction
Science Fiction
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