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The article discusses the misconception of individual accountability in Agile methodologies, emphasizing the Scrum Master's role and the importance of team empowerment over finding a single person to blame.


The author, Anthony Mersino, reflects on the challenges faced by a client who has been misapplying Agile and Scrum principles for three years, mistakenly believing they were already implementing Scrum. The client's struggle with understanding the Scrum Master's responsibilities highlights a common issue where organizations incorrectly seek a "single throat to choke" for accountability. Mersino argues that this focus on individual blame is detrimental to the team's success and contradicts the Agile Principles of empowered teams. He points out that the orientation towards failure and punishment in organizations inhibits creativity and learning, suggesting that a shift towards collective responsibility and recognition is necessary for true Agile transformation.


  • The author criticizes the client's misuse of Agile methodologies, labeling it as "Agile in name only" (AINO).
  • There is a common misconception that the Scrum Master holds multiple responsibilities, including quality assurance, on-time completion, and status reporting, which is not aligned with the true Agile principles.
  • The author believes that the idea of needing a single person to blame for failures is ignorant and counterproductive, as it ignores the collaborative nature of Agile teams.
  • Mersino challenges the lack of a positive counterpart to the "single throat to choke" concept, such as rewarding success, which he feels is missing in many organizations.
  • He suggests that the fear of failure and punishment in organizations leads to a culture of avoiding accountability and focusing on self-preservation rather than successful project completion.
  • The article advocates for the retirement of the "Single Throat to Choke" mentality in favor of fostering empowered Agile/Scrum teams that align with Agile Principles.
  • Mersino emphasizes that punishment does not motivate and instead creates fear that hinders creativity, experimentation, and learning within organizations.

The Single Throat to Choke In Agile

Troubled with the lack of individual accountability in agile? If everyone is responsible, then no one is responsible. Learn how accountability works in agile.

I have a client that has been using Agile and the Scrum Framework for the last 3 years. Let me restate that, this client has been using A.I.N.O. (Agile in name only) for the last 3 years.

I am working with him to implement Scrum and eventually embrace a full Agile Transformation. With him and his team I have to refer to this as implementing a “more disciplined Scrum” because unfortunately, everyone believes they are already using Scrum.

Scrum Master Role in Agile

Anyway, the client is having some difficulty with the roles, in particular for the Scrum Master. He seems stuck on the idea that there needs to be a single throat to choke and keeps asking if the Scrum Master is responsible for quality, or for on-time completion, or status reporting, or many other things.

Unfortunately, I find this pretty common as most people want to project on the Scrum Master a myriad of responsibilities because they cannot imagine how a high-performing Development Team might operate.

In most cases, I respond that it is the Development Team that is responsible. To which he replies, “If everyone is responsible, then no one is responsible. I need a single throat to choke.”

“If everyone is responsible, then no one is responsible. I need a single throat to choke.”

Putting aside the ignorance of Scrum for a moment, I am astounded at the idea that making one person accountable carries only the negative side — who to blame and punish if things go wrong.

There is no corresponding statement about “single soul to bless” or “single bank account to shower with financial rewards”. We don’t care about who to thank as much as who to spank, or who to stroke over who to choke.

It says a lot about the organization when the orientation is to failure, blame, and punishment. It seems really popular today to talk a good game about failing fast and learning from failure, but most organizations are hard-wired to take people out when they fail and to make failure a negative experience.

This all but ensures there will be more failure since most people will invest more energy to avoid accountability, create paper trails and CYA rather than focusing their energy on getting the job done successfully.

Empowered Agile/Scrum Teams

Similarly with blame and punishment. Even though no one acts alone and anything significant is accomplished by a team, there is still the idea that we need to find a single person to blame when things don’t go as expected.

If we have to find one person to be accountable, then we really don’t have those empowered teams that are described in the Agile Principles. So are we really Agile?

Finally, there is punishment. Punishment doesn’t motivate — it only creates fear. Fear of punishment kills creativity, experimentation, and learning. So if you want to stifle your organization, keep a focus on punishments. Even vague threats of punishment can be helpful to keep the fear going.

I think it is time to make a shift. Can we retire the statement “Single Throat to Choke”?

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Anthony Mersino is the founder of Vitality Chicago, an Agile Training and Coaching firm devoted to helping Teams THRIVE and Organizations TRANSFORM. He is also the author of two books, Agile Project Management, and Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers.

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