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This article discusses the transition from a Project Manager role to a Scrum Master role, emphasizing the need for a shift in mindset and approach.


The article begins by acknowledging that while project managers may struggle to become effective Scrum Masters due to their inherent need for control, they can learn to excel in this role with the right mindset and approach. The author highlights the importance of adopting a growth mindset and outlines the differences between project manager thinking and Scrum Master thinking. The article then provides five specific tips for project managers looking to transition to the Scrum Master role, including focusing on the mindset change, mastering Scrum, and letting go of tasks and status. The author also recommends resources for project managers in transition, such as books, blogs, and videos.

Bullet points

  • Project managers can learn to be great Scrum Masters by adopting a growth mindset and overcoming their need for control.
  • Project managers need to change their mindset or worldview to succeed as Scrum Masters.
  • The article provides a table outlining the differences between project manager thinking and Scrum Master thinking.
  • Five specific tips for project managers looking to transition to the Scrum Master role are provided.
  • Resources for project managers in transition are recommended, including books, blogs, and videos.

Transition from Project Manager to Scrum Master

Any project manager can learn to be a great scrum master. In addition to overcoming their need to control, PMs need to change their mindset. Learn more.

Being a Great Scrum Master can be Learned

In my related post, I argued that most Project Managers make lousy Scrum Masters. It’s not on purpose, it just happens that the skills that make them great project managers actually hinder them from being great Scrum Masters. However, I believe that any project manager can learn to be a great Scrum Master.

I’m a big fan of Carol Dweck’s Mindset book and the idea of the growth mindset. Dweck contends that everything can be learned. I agree, and I believe that anyone can the soft skills needed to be a great scrum master. I think in addition to overcoming their need to control, project managers need to change their mindset or worldview. The following table shows some of the shifts in thinking that will be needed to be a great scrum master:

Project Manager Thinking vs. Scrum Master Thinking

Tips for Succeeding as a Scrum Master

I know that all great project managers have the potential to be great scrum masters. I did it! Here are five specific tips for how to do that:

1. Don’t try to be both Project Manager and Scrum Master

There is a unfortunate trend to hire people who are “project manager/scrum masters” or to expect one person to play both roles. Don’t do it!

Trying to do these two jobs at the same time will be difficult for you and confusing or upsetting to your team members. It will be too hard to separate one from the other and to be good as a scrum master. Instead, focus on learning and mastering the scrum master role.

2. Focus on the mindset change

Be open to change and let go of old ways of thinking. Recognize your desire for control and relinquish it to others.

3. Master Scrum

I probably sound like a broken record on this, but to be effective as a scrum master, you need to train and coach others on scrum. You can’t do that if you haven’t mastered it. Get the Scrum Guide and read it. Many project managers don’t bother — be different. Dig in.

4. Let Go of Tasks and Status

Project managers often get distracted with tasks and status. Instead, focus on people and interactions. Pay attention to the team health, and the chemistry and motivation levels.

Help the team with their self-organization, empowerment and conflict resolution. Create an environment where people can do their best work.

5. To Really Understand Scrum, Practice

As Ken Schwaber noted years ago, you don’t learn scrum by reading a book. You learn it by practicing it and getting a lot of feedback through experienced coaches and mentors. Feedback is the breakfast of champions! Invite someone to invest in you with lots of feedback and really accelerate your growth.

Resources for Project Managers in Transition

Lyssa Adkins has an entire body of work around how to transition from traditional project manager to Scrum Master and Agile Coach. You can start with her book, Coaching Agile Teams. She also has some great videos including parts 1 and 2 of The Road from Project Manager to Agile Coach.

Another great resource is Tom Cagley’s blog, Software Process and Measurement. Tom writes on a wide variety of topics which will be of interest to aspiring Scrum Masters.

His recent post on consensus decision-making will be of interest to project managers who need to bolster their team decision making capabilities.

Mike Cohn has also written a ton of blog posts and books on mastering agile and Scrum.

I hope that this article was helpful for you to see what it takes to succeed as a scrum master. I don’t want you to feel that as a project manager, scrum is off limits or that you don’t qualify.

You can learn to do both roles well and become more valuable in the process. Just recognize that some of the skills and approaches that made you successful as a project manager will not serve you well as a scrum master.

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Anthony Mersino is the founder of Vitality Chicago, an Agile Training and Coaching firm devoted to helping Teams THRIVE and Organizations TRANSFORM. He is also the author of two books, Agile Project Management, and Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers.

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