

The Potential of a 4-Day Work Paradigm for Boosting Productivity

Increasing productivity and job satisfaction in a modern work environment

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Eight hours a day, five days a week. We have been in such a work routine for years. We eagerly await Saturdays for a time-off. After working for 5 days, we try to take time for ourselves and rest with a 2-day break.

However, in modern working environments, many companies are now giving as much importance to the mental health of their employees as they do to productivity. In this context, there is a significant step taken by some companies: A 4-day workweek. In this story, we will cover the 4-day workweek in all its details.

What is this work arrangement and which type of variations are out there?

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As the name suggests, in this work arrangement, the classic five-day work is replaced by a four-day work with the aim of increasing efficiency in work and well-being in employees. However, to switch to this schedule, it’s not necessary to just cancel Fridays. One of several implementation forms can be chosen.

The Standardized 4-Day week is currently one of the most commonly used methods. In this arrangement, 2 hours are added to each working day, bringing the daily work to 10 hours. Thus, at the end of four days, a 40-hour workweek is still achieved. As a result, employees get to enjoy three consecutive days off.

Flexible scheduling is an arrangement where employees can choose their working hours. Although not as common as the standard, in this preferred arrangement by many companies, employees can decide their working days and hours according to their tasks. This can enhance employees’ well-being and job satisfaction by allowing easier management of work-life balance.

Reduced hours is also a brand-new work arrangement. We are talking about a system that not only reduces the number of days but also the hours worked. After extensive studies on work resources, some companies realized that they could achieve the same productivity by reducing working hours.

What are the benefits of a 4-Day Workweek?

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Switching to a four-day work arrangement is not just about reducing work; it’s a revolutionary transformation that provides various benefits to both employees and employers.

The correlation between a 4-day workweek and increased productivity actually comes from this philosophy: Well-rested minds work with focus and produce good results. Shorter working days allow employees to prioritize tasks better, avoid procrastination, and achieve a higher level of concentration.

Another benefit it provides is an increase in employee morale. Simply having a three-day break allows employees to rest more, spend more time on themselves, and have more quality time.

There is another less talked benefit of this arrangement. Reducing one working day means fewer cars on the roads, less traffic, and fewer carbon emissions. In this context, with a four-day workweek, offices can also save resources by utilizing them less.

But let’s admit, we mostly focus on the benefits on the employee side. This new arrangement greatly assists employees in maintaining work-life balance. Since they can allocate more time to themselves and their personal development, their job satisfaction increases, and they can live life more fully.

What are some challenges and concerns with this work arrangement?

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Let’s also examine the realities of the situation and the states of different industries. This arrangement can bring some operational and logistical challenges for some industries. And unfortunately, not every industry may be able to maintain their operations with the same efficiency in this arrangement.

For the industries suitable for this arrangement, there is also an implementation process. Changing the existing routine and modifying working days and hours without disrupting the current efficiency may require extra effort.

And of course, another consideration is customer relations and services. In industries that work intensively with customers, this transition should be planned while maintaining the highest level of customer relations and service values.

These factors definitely need to be considered before changing the work arrangement. Identifying potential difficulties in advance and making the transition accordingly will yield the highest efficiency and satisfaction.

Some companies that have successfully implemented the 4-Day Workweek

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Some companies, such as Bolt Financial, DNSFilter, Do Big Things, and Kickstarter, offer a four-day workweek to their employees, in addition to providing flexible working arrangements.

Additionally, some companies in Europe have also adopted this arrangement or are in the process of implementation. As can be seen in the given examples, these companies are generally ones that provide digital services. By their nature, such jobs are quite suitable for flexible working arrangements.

How can companies implement this arrangement? Firstly, it should be assessed whether the company is suitable for this arrangement or not. If the entire company will not undergo a change, it should be determined which roles and departments this transition will apply to.

Subsequently, discussing this plan with all stakeholders can provide a better understanding of the implementation. The relevant aspects of this transition can be evaluated with customers, employees, and managers. Additionally, discussions can be held with the Human Resources department to assess the compliance factor regarding existing contracts and relevant laws.

Before a full transition, a trial period should be implemented. The transition can be tested for different departments at short intervals. Additionally, monitoring related to the transition and recording various metrics will be quite beneficial for the implementation process.

What do employees and companies think about this arrangement?

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In a trial conducted in the UK in 2022, the 5-day/40-hour workweek was reduced to 4 days/32 hours for 6 months. As a result of this trial, the reactions of the employees were very positive.

  • After the program, 92% of the participating companies continued to operate with the four-day schedule.
  • 54% of the employees stated that they were able to manage tasks in their work and personal lives better in this schedule.
  • 60% of the employees stated that they were able to achieve a better work-life balance.
  • The companies participating in the program observed a 57% reduction in employee turnover.

You can find the results to the study by 4 Day Week Global, here: 4 Day Work Global 6 month trial pilot program

Economic and social impacts of a 4-Day Workweek

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Economic impact Maintaining, or potentially even increasing productivity with reduced working hours can make significant contributions to the economy. Such efficiency can contribute to the development of the economy, enhance innovations, and create new job opportunities.

Having more free time can also impact people’s consumption spendings. Potentially, there could be a rise in the entertainment and tourism industries. However, since this arrangement will also affect the balance of demand, it may necessitate operational modification planning for some industries.

Social impact As I mentioned earlier, shorter working days facilitate people in achieving a work-life balance. The time allocated more to personal life plays a significant role in forming stronger bonds within communities and families.

Less stress and more time to relax also bring some health benefits. In a four-day work arrangement, it becomes easier for people to develop healthy habits compared to the regular schedule.

We’ve talked about all the good stuff, but what about it’s drawbacks?

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Unfortunately, this flexible arrangement does not work as expected in every sector or business process. There are scenarios in some industries where trials have shown that this arrangement is not cost-effective. Losing profit and productivity while easing the work schedule is a side effect that no one would want.

Another negative impact comes from the customer side. For companies that are expected to be open and experience high demand on Fridays, cutting off this day can have adverse effects on earnings and customer satisfaction.

There are also observable negative effects on the employee side. In companies that switch to a four-day week without reducing the 40-hour workload, effects such as fatigue and burnout can be seen in some employees due to the increased daily working hours.

This arrangement, which has been deeply studied and tested, brings along many effects. Increases in work productivity and employee morale, reductions in stress, and positive environmental impacts are among the best of these effects.

However, by their nature, some processes unfortunately can’t adapt to this arrangement as well as others. The point to note here is that the preparation process needs to be operated perfectly. After careful reviews and studies, once the necessary data and metrics are also collected, the transition work will become even easier.

In my opinion, companies that can adapt to this process should increase their efforts in this regard, and they should even be supported by governments. Of course, while conducting these studies, the effects on all parties from employees to customers should be deeply evaluated.

I hope you have found this article I wrote about flexible working arrangements useful. Thank you for reading.

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Flexible Work
Work Life Balance
Mental Health
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