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The article titled "The Open Secret: How I Gained 500 Followers in One Month on Medium" reveals strategies for increasing one's follower count on the Medium platform through genuine engagement, quality content, and community participation.


The author shares personal insights into significantly boosting their Medium followers by emphasizing the importance of original content, maintaining a positive mindset, and actively engaging with the community. Key points include avoiding plagiarism, reading and interacting with other writers' works, expressing gratitude, building digital relationships, being a genuine reader, utilizing publications, and upholding mutual respect. The author advocates for a holistic approach to social media growth that involves contributing value, participating in discussions, and appreciating others' efforts, which in turn fosters a supportive network and increases visibility.


  • Plagiarism is strongly discouraged; originality in content creation is paramount.
  • A positive attitude and ethical practices ("Halal" approach) are crucial for success.
  • Medium should be viewed as a community for mutual learning and growth, not just a platform for publishing content.
  • Active observation and learning from successful and unsuccessful articles can guide one's content strategy.
  • Showing appreciation by reading and engaging with followers' content is highly effective for growth.
  • Building digital relationships by reciprocating support and interest is essential.
  • Authentic reading and engagement with articles, rather than superficial interaction, are valued.
  • Submitting to relevant publications can authentically expand one's audience and increase content visibility.
  • Respect for others is a fundamental principle that leads to recognition and a positive reputation.
  • The author believes in the power of honest communication and community support for sustained success on Medium.

“The Open Secret: How I Gained 500 Followers in One Month on Medium”

Are you tired of constantly looking at your Medium page and desperately hoping that the number of people following you will increase? Hi there! I have a juicy secret that completely changed how I use social media. Get ready because I went from having a few measly fans to a mind-blowing 500 in just one month! Trust me; you won’t want to miss this epic discovery. Get ready to level up your number of followers like never before! Get ready to be blown away as I share the secrets behind this fantastic achievement.

Image created by author @Leonardo AI

1: Never Steal Someone Else’s Work (No plagiarism at all)

To make content that stands out, you need to use quality stuff. It’s the basis of any great project, whether it’s a blog, a video, or a post on social media. If you don’t have good content, your writing might fall flat and fail to keep your audience’s attention.

So, how do you ensure high-quality work? Let’s examine some important tips and tricks. Although this idea is not new, it is the basis for everything else.

Plagiarising or directly copying material from AI is a huge no-no, and I can’t say this enough. If you do things that aren’t right, you won’t get far on Medium. When you put your whole heart into what you write, it shines.

2. Start with the best of intentions.

In Islam, “Halal” means “clean” and “allowed.” To improve your writing, you should apply the same rule to Medium. This popular writing platform is a goldmine for writers because it has a wide range of topics and a vast audience waiting to read your content. By using Medium’s “viral blog formula,” you can create a popular blog. Starting with a positive mindset can help you increase in unique ways. Being optimistic can do beautiful things.

3. It’s More Than Just a Matter of Writing

Medium isn’t a place to publish content and wait for money. Writers, this is not a one-way street. There are more stories you should read as well. This will help you learn more about the world and increase your vocabulary, which is especially useful if English is not your first language.

4. Observe and Learn

Explore a wide range of articles, paying particular attention to the factors that contribute to the success of some and the failure of others. I’ve found that those who post often and participate in discussions are the most successful.

A more significant impact is made by those who read and participate actively.

Take their lead and give it your all. They will be grateful for your interest in and excitement for their work.

5. Express Gratitude

In today’s fast-paced world, no one has extra time to waste. To show your thanks, read the works of those who follow you. When I did this, I gained 100 more followers in a week, for which I will always be grateful.

6. Build Digital Relationships

Returning the favour when someone claps for your work is lovely! Make sure to check out their profile and express your gratitude. It’s always important to show appreciation! It’s all about building a supportive group and making connections.

7. Be a Genuine Reader

Don’t be a reader who clicks and leaves. Give a tale at least 30 seconds of your time. Read on if you’re interested; skip it if you’re not. Being an actual reader is crucial on Medium — fake readers won’t make it far!

8. Utilize Publications

Are you looking to self-publish there? Avoid looking! Look for publications that share your passions and submit your writing there. This is a quick and most authenticated method of getting an audience. If your work is well-received, it may be taken up by a curator, increasing its exposure. It’s time to shine and get more people’s attention.

9. Give Respect, Shine Bright

Keep respect for others in mind at all times. Be a shining example of an honest and considerate Medium user. Respect is a two-way street; if you give it, you’ll get it back.

Lastly, Medium is a community where genuine interest and goodwill go a long way. I’ll be here for everyone who takes an interest in my story seriously, and I hope you’ll do the same. Honest communication is essential because, as the adage says, “Lies have no legs to stand on, and the truth has no hiding place.”

Good luck to all the struggling members, and heaps of best wishes to the established ones — you’re the real heroes maintaining this fantastic platform. Happy writing!

Medium Growth
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