

The website discusses the concept of time as an illusion and the potential for human consciousness to transcend the limitations of time and space, suggesting that higher dimensions beyond our 3D reality could hold the key to experiencing a more profound understanding of existence.


The website delves into the philosophical and scientific exploration of time and consciousness, positing that time is not linear but an illusion constructed by our experiences. It references string theory to explain the existence of higher dimensions beyond the 3D physical reality and the 4D space-time continuum, which may be accessible through altered states of consciousness. The author suggests that humanity is on a trajectory to overcome the illusion of time, potentially unlocking new realms of beauty and understanding. The article emphasizes the idea that we are multidimensional beings capable of experiencing these higher dimensions, and it encourages practices like meditation and the use of psychedelics as means to access them. The author believes that these explorations are crucial for the evolution of human consciousness and for solving the puzzle of life.


  • The author believes that our current perception of time as linear is an illusion and that our entire species may one day transcend this limitation.
  • String theory is cited as evidence for the existence of higher dimensions and as a potential "Theory of Everything" that explains known forces in the universe and the role of consciousness.
  • The article suggests that from a 4D

Consciousness, Time, Soul, Illusion

The Illusion of Time and Dimensions Beyond

We are living in an illusion of time and one day we will go beyond it…

Eventually our entire species is going to find ways of freeing itself from the illusion of time. And when that happens, we will have access to realms and dimensions that are far more beautiful than anything we have been able to imagine.

Cover Image made with Canva Gallery

What is the illusion of time?

The illusion of time is the experience that time is linear. One moment you are young and then the next moment you are old. One moment you have been doing a certain thing for five years, then suddenly you are doing a different thing.

The evidence of physical reality, and especially consciousness, overwhelmingly suggests that there exists a higher dimension, a temporal dimension that transcends time and space.

String Theory suggests that there are higher dimensions beyond our 3D Physical Reality and the Space-Time continuum (4D). String theory also suggests that time and space are simply vibrations of energy and matter.

The Theory that Strings connect reality (Made with Canva Gallery)

From the moment you were born until the moment you die, every single thing that you experience gets imprinted onto your body. If we could see it, it would look like a continual river of energetic experience flowing through every part of your being. All of this compresses together quite naturally so that certain experiences appear to occur just before other experiences. This gives us the sensation that time is linear; one thing leading directly into another. You were born and now you are reading this article. In between, there was a pause where you blinked and now you are reading this sentence.

But you experience this not as a pause, but as a movement from one event to another. Even though there is no pause at all and every moment is connected with every other moment, your body experiences this like a transmission without gaps between the events; like a movie that plays in your mind.

But something is observing this movie; something that exists outside of time and space. The observer exists outside of time and is able to observe the movement of time. Because it is not in time, it has no need to “move”. It is ever-present and always aware.

A rough visual representation of 3D, 4D and 5D. (Made with Canva Gallery)

From a 3 Dimensional Perspective, it seems that you have a past, present and future. For example, as you read this there is a past where you are reading this article and a future where you will have finished reading it. In between there is an experience that appears to be happening in the present.

However, from the 4 Dimensional Perspective (also where the Quantum Field exists), all of this exists simultaneously. What you are doing, what you were doing, everything that you want to be doing and everything that you will do is all happening now because you think, feel and experience it now in your head as thoughts, feelings, sensations and projections.

When your consciousness is in a four-dimensional state, you are always aware of all of the thoughts, feelings, sensations and projections that you want to experience at any given moment. This allows you to move from experience to experience, always knowing exactly where you are and where you intend to go next.

In 4D, you actually have the full capacity to co-create, without being influenced by your thought forms. (Made with Canva Gallery)

From a 5 Dimensional Perspective there is no such thing as time. Everything happens simultaneously. You can see everything that has ever happened and everything that will happen all at the same time.

This is why scientists who are working on String Theory consider it to be the Theory of Everything. It explains all of the known forces in the universe, provides a mathematical formula for understanding those forces and best of all it explains how consciousness fits into the equation.

Those “Dimensional” Concepts are very hard to understand for our limited minds. I don’t understand them fully myself yet, but I think a higher part of me which exists outside of the 3D body, knows them. And I think this is just part of an eternal journey that humanity has to go through to be able to understand these things better and reach a higher state of being.

Watch the movie Interstellar. A very nice movie to grasp our Multidimensional Reality.

I believe we are multidimensional beings in a multidimensional universe. I believe our 3D dimensional body cannot live without the other dimensions and that we are only able to experience this reality through the eyes of a 3D body, but that the real “I” exists beyond this 3D body.

This question will help you evolve. (Made with Canva Gallery)

I think we can access these other dimensions (with meditation / reflection / psychedelics or other mind-altering techniques) to experience more beauty and love in our lives, but I also think it’s necessary to stay in our physical bodies here on earth because only here, through time and space, we are able to evolve ourselves as human beings and gain many other experiences and learn important life lessons.

Most of these things are still just concepts, but I believe it is worth reflecting on these subjects because they could be part of the bigger Picture and help us solve the puzzle of life and consciousness.

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