

The web content discusses the transformative power of becoming more conscious, emphasizing the impact on personal and global scales through mindfulness, awareness of unconscious thoughts, and understanding the laws of energy.


The article "How We Can Transform Our Lives By Becoming More Conscious" delves into the significance of heightened consciousness for personal growth and societal change. It posits that awareness transcends the mind, affecting the body and soul, and is crucial in adapting to the shifting energy on Earth. The text suggests various practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork to foster consciousness, advocating for an expectation-free approach to self-transformation. It highlights the interconnectedness of all things and the potential for global awakening as individuals become more aware. The piece also touches on the importance of understanding and working with the laws of nature and energy to facilitate personal and collective change.


  • The author believes that becoming more conscious is a foundational step for transforming not only individual lives but also society and the world at large.
  • It is expressed that conscious awareness allows individuals to peacefully engage with their thoughts and emotions, leading to a more harmonious existence.
  • The text conveys that spiritual practices like mindfulness are essential in cultivating awareness, which is the source of thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  • The author suggests that by learning the laws of energy and maintaining an open mind, individuals can align with these natural principles to effect change in their lives and the world.
  • There is an opinion that the act of letting go of preconceived ideas and embracing the present moment is key to personal transformation and the realization of one's potential.
  • The article posits that by becoming aware of and evaluating unconscious thoughts and beliefs, individuals can choose to release those that no longer serve them, leading to a more authentic and connected life.
  • The author is optimistic about the future, predicting a global shift in consciousness and encouraging readers to contribute to this transformation by deepening their own awareness.

Change, Awareness, Consciousness

How We Can Transform Our Lives By Becoming More Conscious

Becoming more conscious is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves.

Becoming more awake and aware is not just about the mind, because our body and soul are also deeply affected by the current change in energy on planet earth.

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To change our lives, and the quality of the world we live in, we need to transform ourselves. There are various ways to become more conscious, and each one will have a dramatic effect on your life.

There are many practices that can work for you: meditation, mindfulness and breathwork are some of them. The most important thing is not going into it with any expectations or beliefs of what should happen; just do it and see what happens! Sit still with no expectations and watch your thoughts arise and pass away…

Becoming more conscious is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, it’s a base for transforming our lives, our society, and the world in which we live.

When we are able to become more aware of who we are and what happens around us, from having awareness of what thoughts arise and pass by continually, we can consciously meet them in a peaceful way… We can choose how to experience living.

Becoming more conscious (made with Canva Gallery)

By becoming more conscious we will wake up to who we really are, and what happens in our lives. With this knowledge we can make the changes that are needed to help transform the world into one of peace and harmony.

How do you turn awareness into practice?

When we are aware of who and what we are, we realise our connection to all things, and this is best practiced in every moment of every day.

By learning to look at life from any circumstance, we will be able to transform our lives into whatever we wish. The key to this is understanding change, and how it happens. We need to know how to consciously organise our thoughts so they can assist us in making the changes we want.

We are approaching a time when greater and greater numbers of people worldwide will awaken to their true nature. This will create a surge of global change that can transform our lives by creating the realisation that life is a continuous reflection of consciousness (or awareness), and with this, we have access to the unlimited power of infinite potential.

Imagine your thoughts, emotions, unconscious beliefs and prejudices as a big ball of energy which often controls the awareness that is behind this unconscious ball. But you are not that ball of energy, you are that which is aware of it.

Letting go of the persona can make you more conscious (made with Canva Gallery)

When we know this (the source of our thoughts and emotions) we are able to have complete control over the thoughts, emotions, gestures and actions that will create a transformed world. This can be the beginning of a great life, experiencing what it is like to live consciously and not reacting to your ball of pre-programmed energy.

As this happens, the ball begins to change, becoming less and less important in bringing about our thoughts and emotions. You will begin to experience a much more peaceful and harmonious environment.

Let go of your attachments and the difficulties of ego, because in the presence of our true nature, we have nothing to lose but our fears.

How can you improve your existing lifestyle?

Living with awareness is the essence of all spiritual practices, for this awareness is the source of our thoughts, emotions and actions.

When we look to change our lives, it is just a matter of understanding how we could go about doing this. This perspective requires acceptance and a willingness to learn. This is a simple process, and it is all about learning how to be aware.

We are all energy, so in order to move our energy we need to learn how it moves.

Learn the Laws of Energy, Acceptance and stay open-minded. (made with Canva Gallery)

By understanding the laws of nature we can work with them, creating a transformed world. We can do this by learning how to transform our own lives, so that we can transform the lives of others. I am currently learning about these laws and will soon write an article about them.

Becoming more conscious is the first step to realising the potential of our infinite self.

How do you keep your mind and body healthy?

We live in a world where there is great pressure on the body, mind and soul, creating psychological and physical tension that can sometimes become so stressful it is difficult to live with this stress.

There are many ways to allow our higher self to grow; for instance, by eating well and taking time out for ourselves through meditation, walking in nature etc. If we want change we need to be willing to make changes. When we are able to peacefully deal with our thoughts and emotions, we can transform the world.

The thing to understand is that when we become more conscious, there will be no need to force change. So rather than attempting to make a change happen through will power or force of a conscious mind, let go of the control and allow it to happen out of the present moment.

Eate well, practice mindfulness and release tension. (made with Canva Gallery)

Let’s say you want something, let go of any preconceived ideas about what it should look like and enjoy the journey of becoming more conscious. In the event that the desired thing does not happen, still love yourself anyway. You can learn to love yourself on a different level, through meditation and self-realisation, no matter what happens.

When you have a desire and you let go of the need for it in the present moment, your life transforms by itself. This is one of the reasons why meditation is so useful: it allows you to be completely calm, so that you can feel the oneness with all things, which is the key to letting go and accepting.

How can we become more aware of our own personal unconscious thoughts?

We can become aware of our unconscious thoughts by evaluating how we feel on a regular basis. We all have certain beliefs, pre-programmed as part of personality that allow us to function normally in society. This way, we will never be overwhelmed by the complexity of life.

This unconscious thought process is necessary for us to live comfortably in our own world, but can sometimes create great suffering as we become unaware of the source of thought. This is because we are essentially unaware that thoughts are the result of our beliefs, and that these beliefs in turn create reaction.

These unconscious thoughts can be experienced as a tension in the body, a feeling of being unbalanced or out of control.

In order to realise the source of these thoughts, we need to become aware of how we think, feel and act.

Deepen your awareness. (made with Canva Gallery)

By becoming more aware of our unconscious thoughts, feelings and actions, we then have the choice to choose which ones we can let go of. This allows us to change some of the ways we think, feel and act. This choice is made from the present moment, and will be quite different to the way we used to choose in the past.

As we become more aware, our choices become less tied to the past and more focused in the present moment.

When we notice that our attention is on the past or future, we can bring it back to the present moment, to check what we are thinking and feeling.

If our thoughts are about the future, then we need to ask ourselves what is this emotion that I am experiencing? Is it fear? If it is, then we can look at the belief behind the fear and see if we want to keep it.

The key to waking up is being aware of what emotions we are feeling or thinking. When we feel a feeling or think a thought, that feeling and thought will have an effect on our body. If we are aware of that feeling or thought, then we can notice what effect it has on the body.

Where in the body do you feel your emotions? (made with Canva Gallery)

This is the point where we can start to understand that most of our feelings and thoughts are created by beliefs, and that these are the basis of our unconscious thought process. If we look at one belief, we can notice which parts of it are true and what is false. As we do so, we can begin to recognise what part of our personality is driving our behaviour and thinking. This approach to thought will become a new way of living.

I’m proud of you for reading this far. Know that you have a choice. It’s your life to shape, and you can do it. Want to know how? Start where you are. Take the time to listen to yourself and breath. Feel your own feelings. As you do this, you will begin to notice that we are all connected to one another through thought, feeling and action.

I hope i could set your inner flame on fire.

After reading this article, i hope that you will go out of your way to increase your vibrations as it is worthwhile. You will be thankful for the effort made.

I hope you have a magnificent day, filled with love and happiness.

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