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The Challenge For A Better World

We are all bound to our life experiences and our biases.

Screenshot from World Harmony’s introduction video

“With perfection comes a lack of empathy for humanity.” — Robert Nelson

This article is a response for many challenges that I have been tagged in. It all started with Kevin’s million dollars, Timothy’s wife quitting her job, and then snowballed to Rasheed, Sherry, Chris, Holly, and finally Livia’s $25k a year got me to accept the challenge.

I’m going for a complete 180-degree turn here. I consider this as my superpower, Bob. And it’s called chowasekaismos, Daniel.

chowasekaismos — taking action, based on your core feeling, to share your life experiences with other people, with a purpose of raising the overall awareness and well-being of humanity.

Embrace yourself. Do not skim. While reading, just go with the flow. Use your divergent thinking. It can be hard, but for better understanding, leave the questions until the finish line.

Before I start, let me introduce you to an important part of this article:

Made it myself

you can check back here every time should you forget it.

In modern world majority of things in our lives get measured either in money or in time we spend to earn money. There’s hardly a way around it. Living without money has become almost impossible.

A lot of problems, indirectly or directly, start because the scarcity of money. Scarcity of money leads to scarcity of time.

We need to talk about it. Not talking about something doesn’t make it go away.

Everytime you’ll hear yourself saying those famous phrases: “I don’t have time” or “I’m busy”, think about the reason why is that.

But even more of a problem is how we take this situation as normal without a doubt. People don’t have time to think about it. But those exact people have unanimously accepted living in this faulty system by default. No questions asked.

“Now. When someone invented marriage, the next morning someone invented divorce. Right? So… With the way we look at money, there is no divorce. You have to live with it, you are born in it, the agreement is unconscious… it’s like fish in water. Fish were born in water, live their entire lives in water, die in water, and have NO CLUE what water is. THAT’S HOW WE LIVE WITH MONEY. And we assume that money is neutral.” — Bernard Lietaer

You are one of them. Unless you are one of those who actually owns a bank. Don’t get me wrong, financial services are necessary to make exchanging goods and services easier. What isn’t necessary though is the interest.

The same interest is the reason which allows to gain unreasonable amounts of profit and to pay the bank owners hundreds of millions of bonuses or dividends at the end of the year. We are talking about post 2007-2008 financial crisis years here:

Infographic from McKinsey & Company

A lot of those profits end up hiding on off-shore accounts. All hoarded money on off-shore accounts is out of the circulation, it isn’t part of the economy anymore. And this amount is steadily growing, leaving less and less for everyone else who is working to buy food, clothes, pay rent, taxes, bills, education, medical care, etc.

People haven’t realized who are they actually working for. Yes, for the banking industry. Smooth, but wrong in so many ways.

We have been slowly, rather magically, sucked into this world of scarcity. But it’s not magical, everything is explainable, if one cares to look or has time to look. Our current model of living has been carefully built on human nature by using our most vulnerable psychological weaknesses.

It used to be called propaganda, but as this word has a subtle manipulative taste to it, we refer to it modernly as PR (short for public relations).

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” — “the father of public relations”

Consider this short timeline on how “public relations” has worked and how it has shaped the human history:

  1. In 1928, Sigmund Freud’s nephew publishes a book “Propaganda” and in 1929 he tries out the psychological manipulation techniques on his campaign “Torches of Freedom” in order to get the women to smoke in public. Success.
  2. In 1930, the Bank for International Settlements is established.
  3. World War II in 1939–1945.
  4. In 1944, the Bretton Woods system is established along with International Monetary Fund.
  5. In 1971, the collapse of the Bretton Woods system and the rise of fiat currency.

“We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.” — George Bernard Shaw

How about propagating a global society’s common goal to work towards equality, not inequality?

People are creative, especially when they are highly challenged.

We should follow our passions, right? Do the things that really tickle our most inner core. Experiencing the state of flow is crucial to our creativity and overall well-being.

Challenge vs Skill. From Wikimedia Commons library.

Research shows that around 10% of the total population has never experienced flow and only about 15–20% experience it daily. Those numbers are sad.

We may aim for a perfect world, a Utopian world, but in reality, good enough should be enough.

“Giving up on the idea of traditional money can be as difficult as giving up on something else you have followed for your entire life.” — Chowa Sekai

A non-profit company is in the middle of creating a virtual currency, which will be by default: Open. Decentralized. Borderless. Public. Transparent. Neutral. Censorship resistant. It’ll be simple to use for anybody who can use a mobile phone.

But unlike BitCoin, Ethereum, Ripple, or any other recent speculative medium of exchanges out there, World Harmony will give it to the people for free, in a similar way as Wikipedia is giving information to the people for free. It is called Universal Comfortable Income.

“Giving is the secret of abundance.” — Sivananda

Money is scarce. It’s time to make it abundant.

We need a new system. A system that can’t be bought by the old and broken system. And the best part, there is no reason to hoard something that is abundant. Is there?

If you take anything home with you, be it this. The majority of crime is money related.

Making money abundant, we can also put an end to the mega crimes.

“A mega crime is one where, for example, you foreclose on a million homeowners and don’t go to jail.” — Andreas M. Antonopoulos

Money should be flowing in circles. Abundantly.

Please find the time to accept my CHALLENGE:

  1. Are there some “Utopian” thoughts you have held to yourself?
  2. How can we make our world better?
  3. Express your chowasekaismos :)
  4. Tag me freely.

“Awareness is the key to a balanced life.” — Chowa Sekai

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

A humble thank you for reading.

Places to follow my thoughts: Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Medium, Instagram.

Life Lessons
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