

The Best Revenge Is —To Improve Yourself:

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Revenge is a powerful tool — as long as you give the same measure and dose. It allows the other party to Feel exactly how you Felt and that is required for growth. It’s a means to undo a hurt somewhat and it’s very rewarding. Revenge — the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands; the desire to inflict retribution.

The Best Revenge is to improve yourself — and there is so much wisdom From this saying. Today, this quote is highly reflected in the word, “Self-Improvement”. Self-Improvement covers a wide variety of subjects that you use to try and make yourself a better person.

It is true that everyone wants to be a Better person — have more confidence, be more productive,possess specific skills such as public speaking and leadership, and people also want to learn how to get better in terms of their relationships, careers, and also Finances.

The idea is simple — rather than Focusing on getting even with someone who has wronged you, you should use that energy to improve yourself and achieve your goals. However, Revenge is not a healthy or productive way to deal with such situations.

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In General, a person is allowed to take Revenge For a right which was usurped From him whether tangible or intangible. However, there are conditions and laws governing the method of re-claiming one’s right(s). Some rights may only be claimed under the rule of the Islamic Qādi (judge), whilst others may be claimed on a personal level.

It is not a weakness to Remain Silent — It takes Real Strength. What others say will only hurt you if you let it. Construct within yourself a “Refuse treatment plant” and try to turn other people’s insults into something constructive and positive that you can use for your own betterment and the betterment of others.

The Science Of Revenge:

A group of Swiss Researchers wanted to know what happens in the brain when someone reaps revenge.They scanned the brains of people who had just been wronged during a game in the lab.

The Researchers then gave the wronged participant a chance to punish the other person, and For a Full minute as the victim’s contemplated Revenge, the activity in their brain was recorded.

Immediately,Researchers noticed a rush of neural activity in the caudate nucleus. This is the part of the brain known to process rewards.

Big Idea: This study Found that Revenge, in the moment, is quite Rewarding.

However, they wanted to know one more thing: Does Revenge keep Rewarding?

Even though the First Few moments Feel rewarding in the brain psychological scientists have Found that instead of quenching hostility, Revenge prolongs the unpleasantness of the original offense.

Instead of delivering justice, Revenge often creates only a cycle of retaliation.

“A man that studieth revenge, keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal.” –Francis Bacon

Revenge re-opens and aggravates your emotional wounds. Even though you might be tempted to punish a wrong, you end up punishing yourself because you can’t heal.

It is easier to win your enemy over by Sincere measures and Good Deeds than declare war and dominate him after great bloodshed and destruction.

The Best Revenge is Forgiveness as well—it is more powerful than Revenge. vengeance only begets vengeance. it is a destructive cycle. But when you Forgive, you inspire change in both yourself and the other. When you do things that you have never done before, you are moving away from your comfort zone and expanding it. You will build better characters and become more confident when you do this.

There will be times when things become Tough and you Face insurmountable challenges that seem overwhelming — the key to overcoming these situations is to consistently Improve yourself.

Even if you Fail, you must not give up, but rather, choose to dust it off, stand up and work harder to make yourself a better person worthy of Success. Remember — the Best Revenge is to constantly Improve Yourself.

JazakAllah (May Allah reward you [with] goodness)for reading.


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