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The Bastardization of The Canadian Flag

Stop Using Well Known Symbols To Signify Something Else Entirely

Photo by Tungsten Rising on Unsplash

The Freedom Convoy was heard all across our nation. I heard it outside my bedroom window early one Saturday morning as a convoy of semis and other vehicles were honking up a storm. All were decked out with Canadian Flags on their front bumpers or flying from the framework behind the cabs as they headed to the Coutts Border Crossing south of my home. I live on the highway about 1 hour and 1/2 two hours from the border. Some truckers were standing up against the mandates surrounding border crossing to the United States. I grumbled about them disturbing my sleep, but I grudgingly allowed them their free speech when I looked into their story. I wasn’t going to join their ranks, but I wouldn’t stand in their way. The mandates would be lifted when they were lifted; it wasn’t worth my energy to get in a huff about it.

But things turned pretty dark pretty quickly. You see, the truckers had a bunch of “clingers-on” that had nothing to do with the trucking industry and used the convoy to push their own agendas. You may have heard of the destruction and assaults in Ottawa due to the convoy. At the Coutts Border Crossing, a conspiracy to murder RCMP officers was uncovered, bringing about charges against 14 men and women, 4 of which were explicitly charged with conspiracy to commit murder. These people have known ties to violent white supremacist groups.

Many are still flying the Canadian flag on their pickup truck tailgates, on fence posts or front porches, etc., all new since the Freedom Convoy began. But it doesn’t stand for “The True North Strong and Free” anymore, but a sinister rebellion, at least in my eyes. Hey, I’m an Aquarian, and Aquarians are known as the Masters of Rebellion, so I don’t have an issue with stepping out of line here or there, but I loathe deception. Cloaking oneself in sheep’s clothing or riding on the shirt-tails of others to get closer to a sinister goal wreaks of evil to me.

My mother sports a mini Canadian flag on her vehicle. She has for years, ever since the Saskatchewan Rough Riders mini flag wore out. She used it to help her find her SUV in a parking lot amid all the look-a-like vehicles. As she was filling up her tank at the station the other day, a woman across the way called out to her, pointing to her flag. “You’re one of us!” and gave her a thumbs up. She felt uneasy after that. “I’ve ALWAYS been a Canadian, but now the flag means something else,” she confided.

The Calgary Police Service has a similar issue with their Thin Blue Line patches. They have been ordered to stop wearing the maple leaf patches with the blue line through them. The patch was worn to honour the fallen and in support of those who serve, but apparently, the symbol has now been “prominently displayed at counter-protests against the Black Lives Matter movement,” as stated in the article linked above. Another bastardization of a pure symbol.

How many of you know that the Wiccan Pentacle has been bastardized as well, with Satanism flipping the pentacle to form the “head of the goat”? Why do people need to sully symbols we have attributed to virtuous beliefs? Why do people need to shit all over everything we might find pure?

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Canadian Flag
Freedom Convoy
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