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The web content outlines seven essential steps to end one's day effectively for improved well-being and productivity, emphasizing the importance of reflection, planning, and relaxation techniques.


The article "The 7 Essential Steps to End Your Day right" emphasizes the significance of a proper evening routine to enhance overall well-being and prepare for a successful tomorrow. It suggests starting with reflection and review, such as journaling, to gain perspective and clear the mind for restful sleep. Planning for the next day, including identifying the 'One Big Thing' to accomplish, sets a clear direction. Unplugging from screens an hour before bedtime is crucial for better sleep quality. Gratitude journaling is recommended to foster a positive mindset. A calming bedtime routine is essential for relaxation and transitioning to sleep. Disconnecting from work and spending quality time with loved ones are also highlighted as vital for emotional well-being. The article concludes by encouraging readers to personalize their evening routine to suit their individual needs for a peaceful end to the day.


  • The author believes that taking time to reflect and review daily experiences through journaling is beneficial for gaining perspective and improving sleep.
  • Planning the next day's tasks, with a focus on the most impactful goal, is seen as a way to reduce feeling overwhelmed and ensure productivity.
  • Limiting screen time before bed is considered essential for maintaining good sleep hygiene and overall health.
  • Practicing gratitude is highly regarded as a method to end the day positively and appreciate life's small joys, even on difficult days.
  • Establishing a consistent wind-down routine is viewed as a key factor in preparing the body for restful sleep and managing stress.
  • The author stresses the importance of setting boundaries between work and personal life to maintain mental and emotional health.
  • Spending quality time with loved ones in the evening is valued for its role in emotional fulfillment and strengthening relationships.
  • The article suggests that a personalized evening routine is more effective than a one-size-fits-all approach, encouraging readers to experiment with different practices.
  • The author invites readers to share their own evening routines, fostering a community of learning and mutual support.

The 7 Essential Steps to End Your Day right

Title: Anyone can be better!! We just need to plan better

Photo by Jonathan Fink on Unsplash

A few days ago I wrote an article about the “7 essential steps to start your day right.”

Having gone through those ideas, I decided it would be a good idea to look at some suggestions as to how it would be best to end our day. After all, evenings/bedtime can be a very important time for our success too.

It is true to say, that in today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Between work, family responsibilities, and personal commitments, it can sometimes feel like there is no time to pause and reflect on our day. However, taking the time to end our day right is crucial for our overall wellbeing and sets us up for a more productive and peaceful tomorrow.

So, what are they?

Hang on, hang on. Before we get to that, it is worth remembering these are ideas and accepting we are all different individuals some will work for us and some may not. It is a case of trying to find the best fit and going with that.

Anyway, on to those ideas.

1. Reflect and Review

One of the most important things we can do to end our day right is to take a moment to reflect and review. This simple practice can allow us to gain perspective on our day and can lead to valuable insights.

I think journalling can be very good here. I have mentioned it below in regard to gratitude but it is also important when reflecting.

All this means is, to take a few minutes, not much more, to write down what we did, how it went, lessons learned, and actions we can take forward. It can be like a brain dump to allow us to finish the day and empty our minds, ready for the next day. This can also help with a restful night's sleep. An empty mind is a restful mind.

It can be a very good practice to read through our journal at the end of the week, or at the very least, once a month. We may well be surprised at what our thoughts were along the way, especially if when writing, we allow it to spill out with no filter.

2. Plan for Tomorrow

As we reflect on our day, it’s a good time to plan for tomorrow. Creating a to do list or setting goals for the next day can give us a sense of purpose and direction. When we wake up, we’ll have a clear roadmap for what needs to be accomplished, reducing the likelihood of feeling overwhelmed or disorganised.

When making our plan it is a good idea to place the One Big Thing that will have the greatest effect, right at the top. If we accomplish that, we will be safe in the knowledge we will have taken a step forward in our life or business.

After that, the other items on the list are a bonus. However, when we accomplish the One Big Thing we will probably feel so proud of ourselves, that we are likely to move onto some of the rest of the list anyway.

Then, just repeat it every evening before bed.

3. Unplug from Screens

Okay, this should probably be at the top of the list if we were talking in chronological order because it is important to consider doing this a good hour before bedtime.

In our digital age, it has become increasingly common for some of us to spend hours in front of screens — computers, smartphones, and televisions. However, excessive screen time, especially before bedtime, can have a negative impact on our sleep quality. The blue light emitted by screens can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

So, the best thing to do is the obvious thing to do. Make a conscious effort to unplug from screens at least an hour before bedtime. Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV, we should engage in calming activities that promote relaxation.

We could read a book, practice meditation, or do some gentle stretching exercises. By reducing screen time, we’ll improve our sleep quality and wake up feeling more refreshed.

4. Gratitude Journaling

See point #1 above “Reflect and Review”

While we are reflecting and reviewing we can spend literally a few seconds practicing gratitude.

Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to end our day on a positive note. We should take a few moments to write down a few things we are grateful for from the day. It could be as simple as a kind gesture from a colleague or a beautiful sunset we witnessed. Focusing on positive experiences and expressing gratitude can improve our mood and overall outlook.

Gratitude journaling can also encourage us to find joy in the little things in life. It’s a reminder that even on challenging days, there are still moments of happiness and positivity to be found. This practice can help shift our mindset toward a more optimistic and appreciative one.

5. Wind Down

Creating a calming bedtime routine is essential for ending our day right and preparing our bodies for restful sleep. A consistent wind down routine signals to our body that it is time to relax and unwind. This can greatly improve our sleep quality and leave us feeling more refreshed in the morning.

Our wind down routine can include activities like taking a warm bath, sipping herbal tea, or practicing deep breathing exercises. The key is to engage in activities that promote relaxation and help us let go of the stresses of the day. By winding down effectively, we’ll create a peaceful transition from wakefulness to sleep.

6. Disconnect from Work

In our always connected world, it is all too easy to bring work related concerns and stress home with us. To end our day right, it is important to establish boundaries between our work and personal life. When our workday ends, we should make a conscious effort to disconnect from work related emails, messages, and tasks.

This separation is crucial for maintaining our good mental and emotional wellbeing.

7. Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones

Lastly, if possible, we should spend quality time with our loved ones in the evening. It can be difficult to achieve, of course, especially if we are trying to build a business and our partner is doing the same or returning from a busy day out at their workplace. Nevertheless, it is important to make sure we make this happen. The end of the day is likely to be the best for this as the family is normally together at this time.

Meaningful connections with family and friends are essential for our emotional wellbeing. Sharing experiences and making memories together can bring joy and fulfillment to our lives.

Final Thought

Ending our day right is about more than just getting a good night’s sleep. In fact, it is all about ending the day right so we can achieve that good night's sleep.

By incorporating these seven essential steps into our evening routine — reflection, planning, screen time management, gratitude, winding down, disconnecting from work, and spending time with loved ones — we can ensure that we’re not only setting ourselves up for a productive tomorrow but also nurturing our physical and mental health. Remember, a peaceful evening routine can have a profound impact on our overall quality of life, so prioritise these practices to end your day on a positive note.

One Final Thought

We are all different and of course, no one size fits all.

So my advice is this; take a look at the list above, and any other advice you may have read about and try things out. It may be some things work and some don’t. Try to choose the activities that allow you to end the day right, allowing for a good night’s sleep and a great start to the next day.

Let me know what, if any evening routines you use to help you in your lives. We can all learn from each other.

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