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The 1 awful junk food Post Malone ditched to shed 55 pounds fast

Recently, I wrote a story about the 5 unhealthiest foods in the world you should avoid to live a long and vibrant life.

They’re all awful for you, of course, but each is uniquely awful in its own way.

For example, the Number 1 worst food, according to my ranking, was pork — specifically bacon and sausage.

Now I don’t think anyone eats a greasy strip of bacon and thinks, “Gee, this dripping pig meat is really enhancing my health right now!”

But some crappy foods, I find, are a little sneakier than that.

Let’s talk about the №3 unhealthiest food in the world according to my ranking, and how ditching it caused buzzy pop star Post Malone to drop so much weight so quickly that people thought he suddenly developed a drug addiction.

File photo of Post Malone (Tore Sætre, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Pop for the pop star

Here’s what Post Malone said on the Joe Rogan podcast recently:

“Soda is so bad. It’s so good but so bad.

“I had a great show, and you know what, I’m feeling a little bit naughty … I’m gonna have myself a Coke on ice.”

But as with most things that are “so good but so bad”, consuming too much of it can be extremely detrimental to our health.

The 28-year-old singer, for example, was tipping the scales at close to 250 pounds at his peak.

The good news is that, after quitting a bad habit, your body can sometimes bounce back really quickly.

I found this when I quit my worst vice — alcohol.

Despite some 15 years of excessive drinking, within two weeks of quitting my body, appearance, and my mental health had effectively returned to their normal baselines.

And dropping soda had a similar effect for Post Malone.

It was so effective, in fact, that some people were concerned he was battling a much worse addiction.

But as he explained on Instagram recently:

“I wanted to say that I’m not doing drugs, I’ve had a lot of people ask me about my weight loss and I’d suppose, performance on stage.”

“I’m having a lot of fun performing, and have never felt healthier.

“I guess dad life kicked in and I decided to kick soda, and start eating better so I can be around for a long time for this little angel.”

Extrinsic motivation can be a powerful force.

Suddenly being responsible for people other than ourselves — i.e. our kids — causes us to look in the mirror and weigh how our behavior might affect them in the long run.

I know it was very important to me that I quit booze before my kids got old to perceive how much I was drinking — and perhaps think it was normal or good.

I wanted to be a good role model.

Sneaky little devil

So what makes soda “sneaky”, as I argued at the top?

Certainly, nobody is downing a can of Coke and thinking they’re better off for it.

But I find it’s sneakier than other bad food because it’s so easy to consume way too much of it.

Typically, people think of calories in terms of food, not drinks.

Yet one small can of Coke has 139 calories, which the company itself notes represents 7% of the recommended caloric intake the average adult should consume in a day.

And most people drinking full-sugar Cokes don’t stop at one small can per day.

So if you’re unhappy with your health or your weight, perhaps it’s worth considering how beneficial dropping soda was for Post Malone.

If you give it a try, you may find you’re shedding pounds faster than you ever could have imagined.

Do you have a soda addiction? What’s the appeal? Do you wish you could quit? Tell me about it in the comments!

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Health And Fitness
Healthy Lifestyle
Post Malone
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