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Tangle Screaps

Fairy Collection #4

Tangle Screap by K.B. Silver with Imagine AI

Small green-blue men, the color of the foamy tide, often with what looks to be white bubble pop patterns on their upper shoulders and faces. A tangled, wild mass of “hair” that looks like a drifting pile of seaweed or mangled debris and webbed hands and feet.

Though humans refer to them as “men” due to their humanoid build, they have neither gender nor sex. These creatures seem to be hermaphroditic and are not seeking out partners of the opposite sex, but possibly seeking out partners or family groups that occupy a better territory or have more apparent survival qualities.

These wild little amphibious saltwater creatures hunt fish and seabirds alike. Living in small family clans, or leading solitary lives, hunting alone. When their creepy rubbery flesh covered in a thick layer of slime grazes a swimmer, the sick sinking feeling is usually enough to cause a panic in the waters should they be crowded. That is the preferable situation. If the swimmer is alone, that could spell death.

These little creeps have been known to crawl on a swimmer’s head, blinding their vision with their pile of tangled hair, choking them with splashing water, and the foul odor of their permeable mucus. If they are able to immobilize such a large trophy, they simply wait for it to drown and feast with their family under the dark, hazy waters.

Though they don’t like going far in fear of being trapped away from their hydrating home, tangle screaps can venture onto land in search of more exotic food, land resources, and anything else they might desire. Most of what tangle screaps make, wear, eat, etc… come from the ocean, but it’s quite the badge of honor and status for one to wear land animal hide or carry a forged metal item. Their size makes that somewhat difficult to achieve, but many a dagger or kitchen knife has gone astray in a seaside community only to wash up rusted on the shore years later.

K.B. Silver

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Fairy Tale
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