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Sand Maidens and Glass Crones are mystical beings tied to the water's edge, with the former being shapeshifting entities composed of natural beach elements and the latter a fragile, mobile form born from a sand maiden struck by lightning.


The article "Sand Maidens and Glass Crones" introduces the ethereal creatures of the Fairy Collection #3. Sand Maidens are enchanting yet perilous beings that roam beaches, their bodies formed from sand, rocks, and beach debris. They are known for their haunting melodies that can lead sailors and swimmers astray. A sand maiden can transform into a Glass Crone if struck by lightning during a storm, gaining a crystalline structure that allows for greater mobility but with the risk of permanent destruction if broken. Glass Crones carry the color of their originating sand and continue to collect and trade treasures, unlike their previous form, which could reform endlessly. The article also mentions the reverence shown to Glass Crones after their demise, with people leaving seashells and taking shards from their remains as a tribute.


  • The author, K.B. Silver, portrays Sand Maidens as both beautiful and dangerous, emphasizing their captivating allure and the potential hazards they pose to those who encounter them.
  • The transformation of Sand Maidens into Glass Crones is depicted as a significant event, granting them new abilities and a different way of life, yet also introducing a new vulnerability.
  • The article suggests a sense of community and exchange between the fey and humans, as Sand Maidens and Glass Crones trade treasures with beachgoers and other fey.
  • The practice of leaving seashells and taking shards from a Glass Crone's remains indicates a cultural reverence for these beings, with shrines dedicated to them across Langrisha’a.
  • The author seems to appreciate the AI tool used in the creation of the artwork, mentioning "Imagine AI" in the captions, hinting at a positive view of AI's role in artistic processes.
  • The article concludes with a recommendation for an AI service, ZAI.chat, suggesting it as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), which may reflect the author's opinion on the value and accessibility of advanced AI tools.

Sand Maidens and Glass Crones

Fairy Collection #3

Beautiful Sand Maiden by K.B. Silver with Imagine AI

Sandmaidens smosh around the banks and beaches of both fresh and salt water. Shells or rocks form their misshapen features, and plants or other fibrous debris make up their wild, tangly hair. Constantly wandering, they echo eerie seaside melodies as they wash away and reform.

Born from sandy sinkholes and tied to the beach they were formed from, sand maidens are fascinating and deadly distracting. A sailor or swimmer can quickly end up off course, crashing or even drowning if they have the misfortune to hear a sand maiden.

Doting Sand Crone by K.B. Silver with Imagine AI

If a sand maiden is struck by lightning while the sky roils with storms, she will instantly be transformed into a glass crone. Her new crystalline form allows greater freedom of movement. She can now wander and roam away from her beach, but carefully. While the sand maiden could wash away and reform endlessly, a glass crone, once broken, loses her essence and dies forever.

Glass crones take on the hue of whatever color the sand of the beach they originated from. Crones from white sand are clear, from pink sand are pink, from black sand are grey, etc…

Sand maidens spend their indeterminately long life collecting treasures from their beach and water beds, hiding them in a trinket cache, usually the sinkhole they emerged from, but sometimes a small cave or other hidden area. They trade perfect seashells, sea glass, and long-lost trifles with beachgoers and other fey who visit their beach until they can leave. When a glass crone is created she packs all her treasures into a bag woven from seaweed or other fibers found on the beach and starts trading them on the go.

Any who happen upon a Glass Crone’s stash once she has crashed, and passed leave the best seashell in the bunch in her glass-laden grave as tribute, and grab a small shard to take in honor of their gift bearer. There are shrines all over Langrisha’a with a shard of glass in the center, surrounded by seashells and all manner of weathered treasure.

K.B. Silver

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