avatarWilliam J Spirdione



Speak Softly, Early Spring Flowers, With Kindness

Dancing Elephants Press prompt week 28 of 52 kindness

Photo by William J Spirdione

The smallest splash of color tends to toil for kindness in our always searching sight. While gently caring for our garden’s soil see tiny species tulip glowing white.

Pale purple hyacinthus speaks somehow. Speaks softly murmuring sweet fragrant note. No words between need to be spoken now. These flower’s kindness power we promote.

These roots first froze beneath the snow and cold. We trust, the ground will warm, the sun will shine. Show tenderness in fresh spring air. Be bold! It’s natural to be polite and kind.

Photo by William J Spirdione

These flowers rose from garden hereabouts with spirits lifting crust upon the stem as damp earth breaks a birth the baby sprouts with tiny flowers, precious as a gem.

And look below us, down towards our feet two tiny lovely tulips colored red stand hand in hand slow dancing to the beat, their roots entwined, at least that’s what was said.

Photo by William J Spirdione

More flowers as we lift our eyes for what was sought while looking through the blueness of a springtime sky. A lovely shade of pink obscured unwanted thought with kinder softer sort of pink fish butterfly.

Photo by William J Spirdione

Written in response to the most kind, Annelise Lords prompt on kindness and her story about one of the many forms kindness may take. Anyone who would like to participate may find some kindness of their choosing to write about…

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Please read Carmen Micsa, MA in English, podcaster’s poem and dream …

Thank you to our always kind editors…Dr. Gabriella Korosi, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ,Dr. Preeti Singh, and Annelise Lords.

Photo by William J Spirdione
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