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Ralph, a Capitol cleaner, observes Speaker Kevin McCarthy's political and personal challenges, drawing parallels between their lives as they both navigate the complexities of pleasing others and making compromises.


Ralph, a long-time cleaner at the Capitol, has a unique perspective on the political landscape, witnessing the power plays and policy debates from the shadows. He develops an empathetic understanding of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, recognizing the shared experience of balancing conflicting demands and expectations. Ralph's daily routine of cleaning the offices, including McCarthy's, while trying to satisfy everyone, mirrors the Speaker's political juggling act. Despite the differences in their roles, Ralph sees McCarthy as a fellow human being dealing with the pressures of life, a sentiment that becomes more poignant when McCarthy loses his position as Speaker.


  • Ralph empathizes with Kevin McCarthy, viewing him as a person with similar struggles rather than just a political figure.
  • The author portrays Ralph as someone who appreciates the complexity of McCarthy's position, understanding that political decisions often involve nuanced compromises.
  • Ralph's choice of cleaning products to please both his boss and a representative from Maine illustrates his own need to navigate conflicting interests, akin to McCarthy's political negotiations.
  • The narrative suggests that both Ralph and McCarthy are trying to do their best in challenging circumstances, with Ralph hopeful that political leaders will eventually address economic hardships faced by people like him.
  • The story conveys a sense of respect and camaraderie from Ralph towards McCarthy, particularly when McCarthy loses his role as Speaker, with Ralph wishing him peace during a moment of personal and professional reflection.


Secrets in the Capitol’s Shadows: Silent Surveillance of Speaker McCarthy

Sweeping in plain sight but invisible to all, a cleaner in the Capitol sees Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s humanity.

The author imagined this image with Midjourney. Ralph, in the Capitol.

Ralph, a 46-year-old Capitol cleaner with two decades of experience, had witnessed more than his share of political theater.

In the esteemed halls of the Capitol, where politicians maneuvered through their speeches, debates, and never-ending political games, he was an unassuming figure who remained a silent observer.

As Ralph meticulously swept the floors each evening, his thoughts invariably gravitated towards Kevin, the Speaker of the House, from his discreet vantage point in the shadows. Over time, he had observed Kevin’s ascent to power, calculated strategies, and occasional shifts in position with a keen, unspoken scrutiny.

Ralph was unsure of the exact reason, but he felt a substantial similarity between himself and Kevin.

“He’s just a human person, like us,” he would defend Kevin’s actions to his fellow cleaning staff.

Perhaps it was because he understood how it is to try to please everyone.

Beyond the polished speeches and immaculate suits, they were simply individuals navigating the complexities of life.

One particular memory lingered: the dilemma of selecting cleaning products that would appease his demanding boss while accommodating the preferences of a representative from Maine, whose offices fell under Ralph’s cleaning domain.

Ralph ultimately chose to satisfy both parties, employing potent chemical-based cleaners for most offices and adopting a more eco-friendly solution, which he purchased for the outlier.

It was a decision that exemplified the delicate balancing act required of him, juggling the priorities and expectations of two distinct individuals invested in the upkeep of the office spaces.

It may not compare to the budget of the United States, but it is a considerable accomplishment for Ralph in his work.

Ralph had witnessed numerous politicians come and go, but Kevin stood out as distinct. He frequently pondered the Speaker’s daily challenges, which resonated with his own. Beyond the polished speeches and immaculate suits, they were simply individuals navigating the complexities of life.

At that moment, Ralph’s thoughts drifted to his wife.

“Ralphie, you have to find another job,” she had pleaded. “We can barely make ends meet, and Jenny’s college bills are piling up.”

“Deena, I can’t just quit,” Ralph had replied. “I’ve dedicated so many years to this job. Besides, I believe they’ll help us soon, find a way to reduce the costs — I know they will.”

He hoped that was true even as he dipped his mop into the bucket and squeezed.

As Ralph cleaned beneath the grand chandeliers and along the plush corridors, he ruminated on Kevin’s attempts to please every faction and the inevitable back-and-forth in his political stance. He understood that life was seldom a matter of absolutes, often requiring compromise to achieve progress.

Yet, what truly struck Ralph was the human side of Kevin. In those late-night hours, when the Speaker was alone in his office, lost in contemplation, Ralph was even more sure of their shared connection and understanding of the immense pressures and dilemmas Kevin faced.

Ralph did not envy Kevin’s position, nor did he judge the frequent shifts in the man’s opinions. Instead, he regarded Kevin as a fellow traveler on life’s winding road, striving to serve, much like Ralph himself in his modest way.

This week, Kevin lost his role as Speaker.

Ralph saw him that evening, staring into the night, and he shuffled past, not saying a word but wishing him peace.

© Scarlet Ibis James, 2023: All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: This story is not meant to provide an accurate account of the life, actions, or political career of Representative Kevin McCarthy. It is a fictional narrative created for entertainment purposes.

When I read this article by Brooklyn Muse (editor), I imagined the story above.

Political Satire
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