Personal photos are an inspiration
Snap some cool photos for artistic writing ideas
A simple day with your camera in hand will lend weeks of writing inspiration to the discerning author. The lens is an eye to the untapped imagination and can influence your thoughts through visual and tactile modalities. The self-confidence you gain from capturing a moment in time will unleash that puzzle of words already built up in your mind.
To clarify, just look at the simple photo above. It was taken in New York City, on a random walk, as I headed to a food court. My purpose, as always, is just to snap odd sightings. I use my iPhone camera and am not worried about photographic metrics. My goal is the odd and unusual in everyday life.
As I download the photos of the day, words pop up in my mind. This is confusion, total chaos. I might then write a piece on physical or emotional chaos. I may match it with another…
Concerns about the texture, lighting/position of the photographs are not important to me at the moment. I am looking to sculpt ideas. I find this photo above to represent confusion to me also. I will go with that idea and work a piece around it. I have written hundreds of pieces and never have used an image other than my own. Artistic representation can come from your own core. Drop the self-doubt, it only inhibits you.
Writing is sculpted words. Think about it. When you were young you learned the alphabet- whatever language that was for you. Those letters had sounds which you had to put together. Those sounds were sculpted into words, then sentences, then paragraphs. I find the same to be true of writing.
An inspiration motivates you and words/language is formed. You blend and mold your thoughts into pieces for the reader. Although we always write for the reader, we can have a cathartic expression of our own in the process. Growing through our art brings self-satisfaction. It is a simple way to touch other humans in a kind/majestic fashion.