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Pernicipus Calls On Her Black History Musical Muses

With the network down, she had no choice but to write a story

My muses are under threat. Made with Canva. Source: Author

Links below play YouTube videos of old slave and resistance songs of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Pernicipus got her name after being described as a “pernicious puss” by her grandmother.

Turning to the old bird Egress, Pernicipus begged him for a story. “I’ve got nuthin’,” he squawked.

“You’re still mad about being locked in a cage? Come on, you’re free at last. Spread those colorful wings and soar. Tell me about the rabbits.”

“There are no rabbits. Or mice, or men. They went to Steinbeck, not you.”

Jimi Hendrix’s The Star Spangled Banner hammered her naked hearing, painfully devoid of earbuds.

“But I can’t get online, so I can’t do any research, listen to tunes, or watch anything. I need your help.” Pernicipus offered a cracker. With cheese.

Egress gave her the evil eye. “You think I’m some lame Polly Parrot? You took the best, and all of the rest, now you want to take all of me.” Get me a snake and I’ll think about it.”

“You should have saved some from yesterday. How does a 20-pound colorful old bird channeling Robert Johnson not have creativity?”

Egress cawed and flapped his vibrant wings violently, stirring up dust.

Coughing, he complained about his host’s horror show housekeeping.

Pernicipus returned the glare. “Where’s Hope? She has ideas sometimes.”

“There is no Hope. Hold on. I think Despair is available, if she’s not sitting on a batch of your breakfast. When I was sinkin’ down, I heard a low, sweet chariot coming for to carry me home. Ask your buddy Eggs Benedict for help. He’ll be comin’ in on a wing and a prayer with you at the stove.” Egress was getting pointy.

“Where’s Lead Belly? He’s clever.”

“He won’t talk to you. Keeps asking where did you sleep last night? Says he has a stomach ache. He’s sitting in the muddy waters where you left him when you said he could wade in the water.

“BB King? Don’t tell me, he ran off with Lucille and Hope. Wait — I heard Hope singing earlier. Hope has to be somewhere around here.”

“Hope’s names are Odetta, Billie Holiday, and Mahalia Jackson. She said you make her feel like a motherless child who’s been fed strange fruit. She was trying to get over, but I think she’s joined the Fisk Jubilee Singers and is going to steal away to Jesus.

“Okay, I’ve supported BB King and Bobbie Blue Bland forever. Surely, they can help,” Pernicipus pleaded.

Go tell it on the mountain. BB King said your thrill is gone. Together with Bobby, they’re letting the good times roll without you.”

“Egress, you’re getting on my nerves. Where is the love? I’ve been so good to you, since the first time ever I saw your face. Um, beak. And crown.”

Musical Muse Egress tries to escape. Made with Canva. Source: Author

“Dear Pernicipus, remember what Nietzsche said. Without music, life is a mistake. It’s time to wake up and stop dreaming of writing.”

At last, Pernicipus thought, I can turn to the master poets and storytellers.

A horrible Big Bard Bird flew in the open window, its ancient Japanese throwing dart head shimmering as it spun in the candlelight.

“Right art thou! For there art nothing neither good nor bad in the world. It’s merely the naming that makes it so!”

Pernicipus rolled her eyes. “Dammit Bard, you never get that quote right! And, it’s not Shakespeare.”

Then I woke up and suddenly recognized I was living a nightmare.

When nightmares invade waking hours. Made with Canva. Source: Author

The horrible Trumpeter Swan screeched Roberta Flack’s The Closer I Get to You, followed by James Brown’s It’s a Man’s, Man’s, Man’s World.

Roberta Flack claimed he was killing her softly with his words. Etta James showed up, trying to ground us in yesteryear. All we could do was cry. Nina Simone flew in on an angel wings.

Sarah Vaughn complained, “You had to send in the clowns?”

If you listen to a tune, Nina Simone’s “(Please) Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” is rich and wonderful, but Sarah Vaughn slays the clowns.

Copyright © 2024 Lizzie Lizard Brain

My muse has been troubled lately.

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Black History
Protest Songs
Slave Songs
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